Andrea Betti
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Andrea Betti holds a MA in Romance Languages, and his scholarly pursuits encompass a breadth of domains within linguistics, spanning Spanish dialectology, with a particular emphasis on morphosyntactic (micro)variation; the portrayal of fictional orality in literary and audiovisual mediums, as well as the historical language contact situations and diachronic changes in Ibero-Romance languages. Presently, he is immersed in Ph.D. studies in Romance Linguistics, with a research focus on the syntax of Cuban Spanish. As a visiting scholar at the SFB1412 (Project A09), he is conducting his own research project on reported speech in rural dialects of Spanish spoken in Tenerife.
On the interplay between register and socio-geographic variation in Canarian Spanish
Integrated Graduate School
Möhrenstraße 40/41, Room 127