Research Questions

What is the content of

register knowledge?

Research Questions

How can alternatives

be ascertained and described?

Research Questions

What situational parameters

play a role?

Research Questions

How can register knowledge

be suitably modeled?

Collaborative Research Centre 1412


The CRC Register: Language Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation investigates aspects of the register knowledge of the speakers of a language. Competent speakers can adapt their linguistic behavior on every level in response to the current situation: They know, for example, that the German word sauer ‘ticked off’ is appropriate in different situations than the word verärgert ‘angry’, that one uses less complex sentences when speaking with children than in an academic function, and that sometimes it matters whether one says around 8 o’clock or 7:49 am, and sometimes it doesn’t. We are thus concerned with intraindividual variation.

Some register knowledge is acquired early – even relatively young children adapt their linguistic behavior to different situations – but at the same time, register knowledge changes and expands over the entire lifespan (especially, but not only, in the case of formal registers). In order to be able to behave register-appropriately themselves and to understand register-appropriate behavior in others, speakers must, on the one hand, know which alternatives (sauer/verärgert, around 8 o’clock/7:49 am) are available and, on the other, understand which situational parameters (properties of the surroundings, properties of the addressee, purpose of the interaction etc.) favor which alternative. Both aspects can change over time, such that register must also be recognized as an essential factor in language change. For an adequate model of linguistic behavior, therefore, register knowledge must be considered together with grammatical knowledge.

The research questions of the CRC are accordingly:

What is the content of register knowledge? How can alternatives be ascertained and described? What situational parameters play a role?
How can register knowledge be suitably modeled?

The CRC investigates these questions on the basis of a range of phenomena on all linguistic levels in diverse languages and language stages. In the process, several different methods (multifactorial corpus analysis, experimental procedures) are employed, extended and combined.

Duration: January 2020 – December 2023


Meeting of CPT “Complexity”

Circles and Groups | Research Groups

03/31/2025 |  11:00 am - 1:00 pm  | Raum 415, Hausvogteiplatz

Internal meeting of CPT "Complexity"

Meeting of CPT “Formality”

Circles and Groups | Research Groups

03/31/2025 |  2:15 pm - 3:45 pm  | Raum 415, Hausvogteiplatz

Internal meeting of CPT "Formality"

CRC Reading Circle

Circles and Groups

04/03/2025 |  10:15 am - 11:45 am  | Raum 415, Hausvogteiplatz + Zoom

Bi-weekly reading circle for all CRC members



On the first of January this year, the new project B07 "Evidentiality, Modality and Speaker’s Stance as Register Features in Galen’s Medical Discourse“ joined the CRC 1412. Prof. Dr. Theresa Roth's project strengthens Area B and we are happy to welcome them to the CRC!


Less formal and more rebellious — An experiment on the social meaning of negative concord in American English

Das Kapitel Less formal and more rebellious — An experiment on the social meaning of negative concord in American English erschien in Negative Concord: A Hundred Years On auf Seite 303.


Less formal and more rebellious — An experiment on the social meaning of negative concord in American English
Less formal and more rebellious — An experiment on the social meaning of negative concord in American English was published in Negative Concord: A Hundred Years On on page 303.
De Gruyter