Two projects funded by the Treasure Trove

This year, for the first time, the CRC has announced a „Treasure Trove“ grant for CRC postdocs to fund their own projects on register. Four excellent applications have been submitted and the CRC board has now made its decision: Two projects can be funded!

Giuseppe Varaschin (A04) and Stephanie Rotter (A07) will be funded for their project on “The social meanings of redundancy and omission: Investigating the use-conditions of multiple negation and object drop in Mandarin Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese”.

Tonjes Veenstra (A08) will also receive funding for a project on “Register in multilingual settings”, focusing on negation/negative concord and complementizer omission in Kreol Morisien.

Congratulations to Stephanie, Giuseppe, and Tonjes! The next Treasure Trove round will be open in early 2026!