Angelina Ioannidou-Tsiomou
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik
Hello everyone! I am more than delighted to be one of the 2023 Fellows of the CRC. So let me introduce myself. My name is Angelina and I was born in Thessaloniki, a beautiful Greek port-city, where I graduated in German Studies with focus on Linguistics at the Aristoteles University. During my Linguistics Master Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin I had the luck to get introduced to the amazing world of psycholinguistics and to start my master thesis within the CRC SFB1412 C03 project, investigating the influence of register formality and verb constraints on spoken language comprehension.
With music being one of my greatest passions and an important part of my upbringing and of the person I have become, my interest very soon shifted to investigating the way individuals perceive linguistic and musical cues, both rhythmic as well as melodic, and how music perception influences language perception and development and vice versa. In the framework of this fellowship, to be supervised by Prof. Dr. Pia Knoeferle and Dr. Katja Maquate, I plan to examine music as a communication trope in the role of social context, using eye-tracking, with some of the main questions being: Can music function as formality-register context? Can music convey socially situated information as well as, better or worse than pictures? Is there a correlation between the communication tropes of music and pictures as social context? I hope the major and the minor will give me key-answers.
Real-time register comprehension in adolescent heritage speakers’ languages
Unter den Linden 6 , 10099 Berlin