Valentina Tretti

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Institut für Romanistik

Valentina Tretti is a Cognitive Systems M.A. student at the University of Potsdam. She received her BA in Hispanic Philology from the University of Costa Rica. During her undergraduate degree she worked on two research projects: “Diccionario Bilingüe Bribri Digital” and “Discomfort, conflict and contention: discourses of the ‘national community’ on democracy in the 2018 electoral process” and has published papers and book chapters on political debates, Appraisal Theory and semiotic landscape. She is currently working as SHK in the laboratory “Cognitive Science: Language & Methods” and for the project A09 (On the interplay between register and socio-geographic variation in Canarian Spanish). Her main interests are discourse studies, pragmatics, semiotics, natural language processing and linguistic anthropology.


A09 On the interplay between register and socio-geographic variation in Canarian Spanish
