The MGK has launched the next round of PhD fellowships.
Application details
Application Deadline: July 12th, 2021
Duties: Research, Project work
Specialty areas: General Linguistics, Register Studies
Within the CRC’s Integrated Graduate School (MGK), we offer fellowships for Postgraduate Researchers who want to pursue or are already pursuing a Ph.D. relating to the research program of the CRC, or want to explore topics relating to the CRC within their Ph.D. research.
We offer fellowships for up to one year with an open starting date within the year 2021. Remuneration is EUR 1,365 per month tax-free, and the fellows will need to purchase health insurance. The fellowship can be used to carry out a self-contained research project on the topic of the CRC, but the prospective fellow must identify a research project in the CRC that they primarily will connect to and contact a PI of that project at the time of application. The fellows are furthermore expected to participate in the training opportunities of the MGK, in particular methods schools, mentoring, and peer-to-peer networking events.
Applicants who are not yet registered in a Ph.D. program must have completed their M.A. by the planned start date. Applicants should name other research qualifications relevant to the planned research. The Integrated Graduate School aims to strengthen the diversity of the CRC and so members of groups traditionally underrepresented in German academic leadership positions are especially encouraged to apply. Note that previous recipients of CRC-1412 fellowships are not eligible for this stipend.
Applications must be submitted via e-mail and include the following items, preferably in a single PDF:
(a) a letter of intent stating the following
– nature of your interest in the fellowship and your research goals for the duration of the fellowship
– your contribution to the diversity goal of the CRC if any
– the names and e-mail addresses of at least two scholars to be contacted for letters of recommendation.
– the preferred period of the stipend:desired starting date (in 2021) and length: 1 year max.
(b) a CV including a complete list of qualifications and publications
(c) Electronic copies of up to two representative writing samples
(d) any relevant transcripts and degree certificates in electronic form.
Contact for questions and applications: Anne Temme (MGK coordinator).