
Two projects funded by the Treasure Trove

Two projects of CRC Postdocs with their own Register related research can be funded this year by the CRC Treasure Trove. The next Treasure Trove round will be open in early 2026!


SHK ab 01.03.2025 gesucht

Ausschreibung für studentische Beschäftigte
HU, SLF, Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik
Psycholinguistik, Prof. Knoeferle

Beginn 01.03.2025, Dauer 24 Monate



New round of short-term grants for 2025

The CRC/MGK is opening a new round of scholarships in 2025


Call for applications for a student assistant position in project A09

Call for applications for a student assistant position in project A09


SHK ab 01.01.25 gesucht

SHK-Stelle ab dem 01.01.2025 über 24 Monate zu besetzen,

im Teilprojekt B7 “Evidentiality, Modality & Speaker’s Stance as Register Features”.


The is looking for a student employee to start on July 1 to support the CRC in the subproject INF (Infrastructure) in the creation, processing, and evaluation of corpora.
Given that corpora can contain all forms of language material and annotations based on it, the creation and analysis of corpora can be challenging and are an active research task in the CRC. Details on the application procedure can be found in the attached call for applications:


Heute ist die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin und der dabei.

Unsere Teilprojekte C03 und C07 laden am 22. Juni in das Hauptgebäude der Humboldt-Uni ein. Erfahren Sie in Mitmachexperimenten unter anderem, was Ihre Augenbewegung über ihr Sprachverstehen aussagt, welche Effekte die Gesellschaft auf die Verwendung von Sprache hat und wie (un)erwartete Wörter die Wahrnehmung der Sprechenden verändern.


Der auf der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften!

Unsere Teilprojekte C03, C07 und A07 laden am 22. Juni in das Hauptgebäude der Humboldt-Uni ein. Erfahren Sie in Mitmachexperimenten unter anderem, was Ihre Augenbewegung über ihr Sprachverstehen aussagt, welche Effekte die Gesellschaft auf die Verwendung von Sprache hat und wie (un)erwartete Wörter die Wahrnehmung der Sprechenden verändern.


Wie argumentieren wir? Wie argumentiert ? Shujun Wan verteidigt heute ihre Dissertation: "Rhetorische Strategien in deutschen argumentativen Texten: Ein Vergleich zwischen L1-und L2-Deutschsprechern/-innen sowie ChatGPT" 16 h @ Dorotheestr 24, 10117 Bln, R 3.246


New call for MGK-fellowships for 2024

The CRC is happy to announce new Fellowships for Postgraduates


The CRC has been extended!

We are happy and proud: Four more years of register research lie ahead of us. Our heartfelt thanks go to everyone involved in the application process.


News article on Plapper at Tagesspiegel Online

A news article at Tagesspiegel Online looks on Plapper


Kurdish Dialects in Iran – A fieldword documentary


Call for fellowship applications for 2023

The CRC 1412 ‘Register’ awards scholarships for the year 2023 for up to 1 year. Apply until November 15th, 2022! For questions and applications please contact Anne Temme (MGK manager).


X-Student Research Group on Berlin funerary inscriptions

Happily we announce that our application for an X-Student Research Group at the Berlin University Alliance led by Dina Serova and Gohar Schnelle next semester has been accepted!

Together with 15 students from all universities in Berlin, we will carry out a project called “Inscriptions from Berlin as a resource for historical register research” on the basis of funerary inscriptions (epitaphs) of the 17th Century in the St. Marienkirche in Berlin.


Retreat 2022

Three days of retreat are laying ahead of us. You never feel more directly what a big and lively community of scientists we are

New round of CRC fellowships for Ph.D. candidates

The CRC 1412 ‘Register’ awards scholarships for up to 1 year. Apply until

February 28th, 2022

Deadline EXTENDED until April 15, 2022


New round of PhD fellowships

MGK-Fellowships for Postgraduate Researchers – Call for fellowship applications (MGK)


Aria Adli on science in times of Corona

In a short video, SFB member Aria Adli (Romanisches Seminar der Universität zu Köln) from project A06 talks about the challenges in teaching, science, and field work in times of Corona.


New project A07 “Pragmatic Functions and Effects of Register Variation and Switch: a Register approach to negation and polarity” approved!

A07 will be headed by Mingya Liu, since April 2019 junior professor at the Department of English and American Studies of the Humboldt-University.


New fellows

The CRC awarded 4 doctoral fellowships to Shujun Wan (C04), Adler Zhou (A01), Maggie Bullock Oliveira (C06) and Tyler Kibbey (A01).

New project C07 “Register perception in a multilingual context of German” approved!

C07 will be headed by Heike Wiese, who has been a new professor for German in multilingual contexts at Humboldt-University since April 2019, and Antje Sauermann, a postdoctoral researcher in her group.


Fellowships: call for applications

The Integrated Graduate School MGK is calling for applications for fellowships.


New rooms at the Hausvogteiplatz

After the start of the project, a lot still needs to be organized. Among other things, premises for the new employees of the SFB need to be provided and obtained.
