Maggie Bullock Oliveira
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik
Integrated Graduate School
Seemingly free (morpho)phonetic variation

Veröffentlichungen und Präsentationen
Sell, Bianca Maria; Oliviera, Maggie Bullock (2022) PDF and PSD files of DiapixGEtv picture materials – German version adapted to elicit tense vowels [DOI] [PDF] [ViVo] This zipped folder contains PDF and PSD files of our translation of the DiapixUK picture materials by Baker & Hazan (2011) - adapted to elicit tense vowels in German (DiapixGEtv). For our purpose we only modified the written information when making adjustments to the original DiapixUK versions of the files. Our aim was to include as many tense vowels [i:, e:, a:, o:, u:] as possible while remaining subtle enough so as not to alert the participants to our research focus . The additional documentation contains information on the translation process and an overview over the adapted text parts containing target vowels in stressed syllables including the target word with its target vowel and pronunciation as well as its meaning in English. In order to facilitate further adaptation/modification each item in the PSD files is in a separate layer. Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – SFB 1412, 416591334Sell, Bianca Maria; Mooshammer, Christine; Lüdeling, Anke; Oliviera, Maggie Bullock; Lange, Robert (2022) Non-Native Addressee Register in German In: 11th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe - ICLaVE|11 [ViVo]