GeRMaN: German register marking by non-literal expressions

A01 investigates the interdependence of register knowledge and pragmatics in the use and interpretation of non-literal expressions (NLE; including apart from metaphor and metonymy also e.g. rhetorical questions, irony, and indirect speech acts). At the same time, we extend the corpus on which our investigations are based with further oral text types. We will model the impact of register on NLE in the form of variables that can be integrated into probabilistic models of pragmatic enrichment of meaning that include NLE. For the acquisition of the relevant data from linguistic corpora, we will explore new ways of NLE detection in corpora through Deep Learning. This will constitute a modelling of register and its impact on grammar by itself.


Project leader


Former members

Project in Phase I

Project Title for Phase I

Metaphor and metonymy as register phenomena

Project Description for Phase I

The goal of project A01 is to investigate the interdependency of metaphor and metonymy with register. The topic will be addressed in terms of two questions: (i) How do metaphor and metonymy contribute to establishing, complying with, and signaling specific registers? (ii) How does register influence the choice of metaphor and metonymy and their function in discourse? The investigations will be based on a corpus whose five parts represent registers that are balanced for relevant features of register variation. Those features of metaphor and metonymy that turn out to be relevant for register will be operationalized in a multidimensional analysis of register.

Publications & Presentations
