Variation in Situated Interaction II: Modeling real life situations

C02 experimentally explores various aspects of situational-functional variation. Our work focusses in particular on the effects of the social role of the addressee (superior, equal perceived social status) but also including age and gender of the interlocutors, the function of a discourse (i.e. request or casual conversation) and as a new aspect, the effect of a physical space (i.e. home vs. laboratory or police station vs. office) on the realization of fine phonetic detail. Because our experimental setup is so complex and aspects of a situation – potentially having an effect on fine phonetic detail – have not yet been rigorously controlled and tested, methodological advances (immersive technology) of the sort proposed for phase II of the CRC are warranted. Statistical modelling of our results will allow for a better understanding of the contribution of the individual language external parameters to the outcome of a study.


Project leader

Prof. Dr. Melanie Weirich

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


Dr. Miriam Oschkinat

Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS)


Former members

Denise Bischof

Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft


Project in Phase I

Project Title for Phase I

Variation in situated interaction

Project Description for Phase I

Project C02 focusses on the socially agreed-upon requirements and interactions of the discourse functions, discourse situation, and social characteristics of the addressee on the intra-individual variation at the lexical, phonetic/phonological and posture levels. The idea is to develop a novel methodology to study Situated Interaction in which language users complete verbal tasks towards an interlocutor presented on video. This experimental set-up enables the elicitation of production data in a range of systematically controlled discourse and functional situations, unlikely to be found in naturalistic data (or speech corpora). Perception tests will then assess language-users’ expectations and attitudes towards speech variation of speakers in these different situations.

Publications & Presentations


News article on Plapper at Tagesspiegel Online

A news article at Tagesspiegel Online looks on Plapper



1:10 pm - 2:40 pm Prague

Acoustic manifestations of speech register – Special session at ICPhS

Special session at the 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) in Prague dedicated to Acoustic Manifestations of Speech Register.
