Dan Morris
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of English and American Studies
Dan Morris is a doctoral researcher on the project B01 Register and the development of periphrasis in the history of English. His research focuses on synthetic and periphrastic alternation in comparatives and superlatives in the history of English and the role of register in the development of this alternation.
Register and the development of periphrasis in the history of English
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
dan.morris@hu-berlin.de https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6583-233X
Publications & Presentations
Morris, Dan (2023) Register and the Development of Comparative and Superlative Alternation in Historical English In: Colloque Bisannuel de Diachronie de l’Anglais/Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English (CBDA-7) [ViVo] Morris, Dan (2022) Register Influence on the Development of Synthetic and Analytic Alternation in Middle English Comparatives and Superlatives In: 12th International Conference on Middle English [ViVo]