Kohei Haneda

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

In his undergraduate days, Kohei was heavily involved in the realm of Cognitive Linguistics both at KUFS(Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) in Kyoto City, Japan, as well as at SFSU(San Francisco State University) in California, USA, where he focused primarily on learning the Conceptual Metaphor Theory and the Conceptual Blending Theory.

After having worked as a sales representative in the IT sector in Tokyo for seven years, Kohei finally made up his mind to pursue his greatest passion and fulfill his long-overdue dream of becoming a linguist and moved to Leipzig, Germany amid the unprecedented global pandemic. In Leipzig, he attended Leipzig University where he pursued an MA degree in General Linguistics while deepening his understanding of different theoretical frameworks, psycholinguistic experimentation, as well as linguistic typology.

As a new scholarship holder of the CRC1412 fellowship, Kohei is now ready to begin his new journey where he will be looking into the processing and representation of the Japanese honorific register. Through this fellowship project, he is eager to shed light on the exact mechanism(s) of how a distinct register is processed by the comprehender and how the processing of it might differ from other more general or colloquial versions of the intra-speaker repertoire.


C03 Real-time register comprehension in adolescent heritage speakers’ languages
