Prof. Dr. Miriam Bouzouita
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Miriam Bouzouita is a Professor of Romance Linguistics (Spanish) and director of the project A09 – On the interplay between register and dialectal variation in Canarian Spanish morpho-syntax. Her scholarly interests range widely from historical linguistics, dialectology and sociolinguistics, to formal linguistics, and encompass Spanish and other (Ibero-)Romance languages, such as Catalan and Navarro-Aragonese. She also has a strong interest in interdisciplinary approaches, Citizen Science, and Digital Humanities, which is reflected in the various research projects in which she has been involved.
On the interplay between register and socio-geographic variation in Canarian Spanish
+ 49 (30) 2 09 37 35 65
miriam.bouzouita@hu-berlin.dePostal address
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin

Publications & Presentations
Lüdeling, Anke; Szucsich, Luka; Zeige, Lars Erik; Adli, Aria; Alexiadou, Artemis; Belz, Malte; Bouzouita, Miriam; Adli, Aria; Dreyer, Malte; Egg, Markus; Feulner, Anna Helene; Fleischer, Jürg; Gagarina, Natalia; Hirschmann , Hagen; Jannedy, Stefanie; Knoeferle, Pia; Krause, Thomas; Kutscher, Silvia; Liu, Mingya; Lütke, Beate; Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Meyer, Roland; Mooshammer, Christine; Müller, Stefan; Sauerland, Uli; Sauermann, Antje; Schmitt, Viola; Schumacher, Nicole; Serova, Dina; Solt, Stephanie; Vander Klok, Jozina; Verhoeven, Elisabeth; Waltereit, Richard; Weirich, Melanie (2024) Register: Language Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation Frame text of the Second Phase Proposal for the CRC 1412 [DOI] [ViVo]
- The disentangling of register and socio-geographic variation in morpho-syntactic phenomena found in Canarian Spanish (cf. Project A09)
- Documentation and study of Spanish rural dialects (COSER corpus; Corpus Oral y Sonoro del Español Rural; and urban varieties using interdisciplinary corpus-building techniques: e.g., collaborative game-based approach for the annotation and parsing of a non-standard Spanish corpus in which Dialectology, Natural Language Processing and Human-Computer Interaction are brought together or the use of web-apps for data gathering or Dialectos del español app in Google Play;
- Exploration of the historical development of pronouns, future tense, and phenomena at the left periphery (also within the formal framework of Dynamic Syntax)
- Study of language and dialect contact in Old Romance languages (Occitan, Navarro-Aragonese, Catalan, Castilian, etc.).