Dr. Daniel Duran
Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS)
Dr. Daniel Duran ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im DFG-Projekt C02 Variation in situierter Interaktion im Rahmen des SFB 1412 Register: Language-Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation / Forschungsbereich 1 ‚Laborphonologie‘.
Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte umfassen die Variation und Dynamik sprachlicher Interaktion, insbesondere auf der phonetischen Ebene, sowie die sozialen Faktoren und individuellen (psychologischen, kognitiven) Unterschiede, die dabei eine Rolle spielen. Gegenwärtig untersucht er Sprachvariation in verschiedenen Situationen. Insbesondere die Dynamik akustisch-phonetischer Merkmale der gesprochenen Sprache in verschiedenen Registern und wie bzw. ob diese wahrgenommen werden, stehen dabei im Fokus.
Variation in Situated Interaction II: Modeling real life situations
Pariser Straße 1, 10719 Berlin
+49 30 20192 561
duran@leibniz-zas.deWebsite https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6769-2281
Veröffentlichungen und Präsentationen
Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Bernau, Natalie; Jannedy, Stefanie (2023) Eliciting phonetic register variation via app In: 19. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) [DOI] [ViVo] Jannedy, Stefanie; Duran, Daniel (2023) Register differences in ÄH-ÄHM filler particles? In: DiSS Workshop 2023 (Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech) [DOI] [ViVo] We present an analysis of register variation (i.e. conventionalized and socially recurring linguistic patterns of intra-individual speech behaviour) of filler particles in German spontaneous speech in contrasting situated interactions. In this study, we analyse intra- and inter-individual differences in the use of lexical type of filler particles and their phonetic realizations. Data was elicited with a novel method where participants talk to a video-taped interlocutor in a simulated tele-conference. This set-up allows us to systematically and consistently manipulate the experimental condition while eliciting laboratory induced differences in fine phonetic detail. We find evidence for register differences but also a high inter-individual variability.Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie (2023) Eliciting phonetic register variation via app In: Phonetik & Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) [ViVo] Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie (2023) Experimental assessment of intra-individual stylistic variation in fine phonetic detail [ViVo] Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie (2023) Assessing register variation in local speech rate In: International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague Congress Center [ViVo] We present findings on phonetic register variation (which refers to conventionalized and socially recurring linguistic patterns of intra-individual speech behavior) in contrasting situated interactions. In this study, we examine the differences in speech rate within individuals. Our data was collected using an innovative method where participants engage in simulated tele-conference conversations with a video-recorded interlocutor. Each participant experienced both a “formal” situation, such as requesting a deadline extension from a superior, and an “informal” one, like describing their favourite recipe to an acquaintance. The silent interlocutor persona appeared in two different styles, including variations in hair, clothing, and make-up. This experimental setup allows us to manipulate the conditions systematically and consistently, while eliciting subtle phonetic differences in the laboratory setting. Our hypothesis is that speech production slows down in formal situations due to processing and memory load constraints. Statistical analyses conducted on data from 45 German participants support our hypothesis, showing a decrease in speech rate in the formal condition.Schüppenhauer, Gediminas; Weirich, Melanie; Duran, Daniel; Jannedy, Stefanie (2022) Register Differences in Vowel Dispersion in Formal and Informal Situations In: 11th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe - ICLaVE|11 [ViVo]