






Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie2025 Linguistic and Social Meaning Match: An experiment on modal concord in English Experiments in Linguistic Meaning [DOI] [ViVo]A07Academic Article
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2025 Less formal and more rebellious — An experiment on the social meaning of negative concord in American EnglishNegative Concord: A Hundred Years On [DOI] [ViVo]A07Chapter
Fleischer, Jürg2025 Relativsatz und Register61. Jahrestagung des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim: Deutsch im Wandel [ViVo]B04Invited Talk
Fleischer, Jürg2025 Thüringische und mitteldeutsche Verbcluster: Wie dialektal ist Martin Luther?(Morpho-)Syntax des Thüringischen und angrenzender Dialekträume [ViVo]B04Invited Talk
Chark, Jordan2025 Discourse structure and narration: A diachronic view from GermanicDiscourse structure and the reorganisation of the Icelandic aspectual system [ViVo]A05, A10Chapter
Schmitt, Viola2025 On the relation between distributivity and maximalitySemantics & Pragmatics [ViVo]A10Academic Article
Lüdeling, Anke; Szucsich, Luka; Zeige, Lars Erik; Adli, Aria; Alexiadou, Artemis; Belz, Malte et al.2024 Register: Language Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation Frame text of the Second Phase Proposal for the CRC 1412 [DOI] [ViVo]A01, A03, A04, A05, A06, A07, A10, B01, B02, B03, B04, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, C07, INF, MGK, ZWorking Paper
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2024 A register approach to negative concord versus negative polarity items in EnglishLinguistics [DOI] [ViVo]A07Academic Article
Weißgerber, Marie-Theres2024 Schwa optionality in verbal inflection in German: the effects of stress and phonetic contextProc. ISSP 2024 - 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, 59-62 [DOI] [ViVo]C06Conference Paper
Schäfer, Roland2024 Between syntax and morphology: German noun+verb unitsGlossa: a journal of general linguistics [DOI] [ViVo]A04Academic Article
Lange, Robert; Sell, Bianca Maria; Terada, Megumi; Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine; Lüdeling, Anke2024 Schwa realisation in verbal inflection in two dialogue registers of German spontaneous speechZeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft [DOI] [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZAcademic Article
Kühnast, Milena; Lüdeling, Anke; Lütke, Beate; Schulz, Konstantin2024 Development of basic reading skills in Latin: a corpus-based tool for computer-assisted fluency trainingCogent Education [DOI] [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZAcademic Article
Mühlenbernd, Roland2024 How to use Evolutionary Game Theory to study evolutionary aspects of grammarEnke, D. W. et al. (eds.). Language Change for the Worse. Language Science Press. [DOI] [ViVo]A05Academic Article
Egg, Markus2024 Extended metaphorsDGfS 2024 (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) [ViVo]A01Presentation
Fleischer, Jürg2024 Verbcluster bei Martin LutherSprachhistorisches Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2024) [ViVo]B04Presentation
Zeige, Lars Erik; Schnelle, Gohar; Fleischer, Jürg2024 Register als variationsgrammatische Kategorie: Korpusbasierte Registermodellierung in den Werken Otfrids von Weißenburg und Martin Luthers16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Germanistische Sprachgeschichte [ViVo]B04Presentation
Zeige, Lars Erik; Schnelle, Gohar; Fleischer, Jürg2024 Die Abfolge der verbalen Teile bei Martin Luther: Eine Korpusuntersuchung zum individuellen Sprachgebrauch16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Germanistische Sprachgeschichte [ViVo]B04Presentation
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2024 Semantic and Social Meaning Match: experiments on modal concord in US EnglishELM - Experiments in Linugistic Meaning [ViVo]A07Presentation
Schumacher, Nicole; Hirschmann , Hagen; Lüdeling, Anke2024 Stand Falko-Korpus. Auswertungen zum NominalstilKolloquium Korpuslinguistik und Phonetik (SoSe 2024), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZPresentation
Lütke, Beate2024 Sprache und Fach - Entwicklungen und (Forschungs-)Tendenzen (Keynote)Symposium, Zusammen:gedacht – Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Literalität und Schreiben in Deutsch im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit' [ViVo]C05Presentation
Lütke, Beate2024 Language learning across the curriculum in university teacher trainingColloque international 'L'enseignement des langues dans une Europe multiculturelle: mutations géopolitiques, configurations identitaires et priorités didactiques', Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Deutsch-Französisches Forschungszentrum für Sozialwissenschaften [ViVo]C05Presentation
Lütke, Beate2024 Consideration of Multilingualism in Inclusive Academic Language Teaching (Keynote)Intercultural Learning Week, Projekt 'Humboldt International Teacher Training', Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]C05Presentation
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate2024 Kommunikanten-Pronomen als Mittel der situierten Variation in ErklärungenDGfS 2024 (Ruhr-Universität Bochum). AG 3  [ViVo]C05Presentation
Schumacher, Nicole; Lütke, Beate2024 Why and how the multilingual resources of immigrant students should be recognised in education. Multilingualism didactics and German as a second languageColloque international 'L'enseignement des langues dans une Europe multiculturelle: mutations géopolitiques, configurations identitaires et priorités didactiques', Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Deutsch-Französisches Forschungszentrum für Sozialwissenschaften [ViVo]C05Presentation
Varaschin, Giuseppe; Lu, Yanru; Machicao y Priemer, Antonio2024 Topic drop in German: Grammar and usageHPSG 2024 - The 31st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic [ViVo]A04, A06, ZPresentation
Mühlenbernd, Roland2024 Modeling pragmatic choices and their social meanings: A case study of (im)precisionLeibniz MMS Days 2024, Leibniz Institute for Composite Materials, Kaiserslautern, Germany [ViVo]A05Presentation
Mühlenbernd, Roland2024 Social meaning and pragmatic reasoning: The case of (im)precisionELM - Experiments in Linugistic Meaning [ViVo]A05Presentation
Solt, Stephanie; Mühlenbernd, Roland2024 Social meaning and pragmatic reasoning: A case study on (im)precisionSinn und Bedeutung 29, Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale, Noto, Italy [ViVo]A05Presentation
Lütke, Beate; Schumacher, Nicole2024 Variation und Flexibilität: Wie erwerben junge Erwachsene akademische Register?"Linguistische Forschung zu Register an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin" der Stiftung Humboldt-Universität [ViVo]C05Presentation
Solt, Stephanie2024 On the pragmatic derivation of social meaningCAT Lab, University of Cyprus [ViVo]A05Invited Talk
Solt, Stephanie2024 Pragmatic reasoning and social meaning: The case of (im)precisionSMIC Workshop, Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, Université de Paris [ViVo]A05Invited Talk
Alexiadou, Artemis2024 Double Comparatives are More Stronger! Evidence from GreekProceedings of the 15th International Conference on Greek Linguistics [ViVo]A10, B01, ZAcademic Article
Baumann, Andreas; Matzinger, Theresa; Mühlenbernd, Roland; Wacewicz, Slawomir; Pleyer, Michael; Hartmann, Stefan et al.2024 The role of linguistically encoded emotional characteristics for cooperativeness in a one-shot prisoner's dilemmaThe Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference (EVOLANG XV) [ViVo]A05Conference Paper
Betz, Simon; Belz, Malte; Lüdeling, Anke; Mooshammer, Christine2024 Schweigen is something different than pause or deliberate silenceP&P 20. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZSpeech
Ebert, Melissa; Lange, Robert; Weißgerber, Marie-Theres; Belz, Malte; Lüdeling, Anke; Mooshammer, Christine2024 Register. Realisation of schwa and word‑final /t d/Inter-CRC-Meeting on “Face to Face Interaction”, University of Cologne [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZSpeech
Ebert, Melissa; Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine2024 Variation in word-final [t]-realisation in formal and informal register of spoken GermanP&P 20. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg [ViVo]C06Conference Poster
Weißgerber, Marie-Theres; Belz, Malte; Lüdeling, Anke; Mooshammer, Christine2024 The realisation of German indefinite articles in formal and informal spontaneous speechP&P 20. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZConference Poster
Mooshammer, Christine; Weißgerber, Marie-Theres; Lange, Robert2024 Schwa optionality in spontaneous speech in German: A meta-study of verbal inflection in three corpora.Nineteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology [ViVo]C06Conference Paper
Lütke, Beate2024 Erklären im Deutschunterricht – Registerfähigkeiten angehender Lehrkräfte [ViVo]C05Contribution in Edited volume
Lütke, Beate2024 Erklären im Deutschunterricht – Registerfähigkeiten angehender Lehrkräfte [ViVo]C05Teil eines Sammelwerks
Saunders, Constanze; Lütke, Beate2024 Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol/SIOPBerufs- und Fachsprache Deutsch in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Ein Handbuch aus DaF- und DaZ-Perspektive [ViVo]C05Chapter
Schumacher, Nicole; Lütke, Beate2024 Lernerseitige Faktoren und PerspektivenBerufs- und Fachsprache Deutsch in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Ein Handbuch aus DaF- und DaZ-Perspektive [ViVo]C05Chapter
Solt, Stephanie2024 Not very easy: Towards the unification of scalar implicature and understatementSALT 33 [ViVo]A05Conference Paper
Weißgerber, Marie-Theres2024 Schwa optionality in verbal inflection in German: the effects of stress and phonetic contextISSP: 13th International Seminar on Speech Production.  [ViVo]C06Conference Poster
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Maquate, Katja; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia2024 Register and morphosyntactic congruence during sentence processing in German: An eye-tracking studyActa Psychologica [ViVo]C03Academic Article
Alexiadou, Artemis2024 Double plural marking and the building blocks of nominalsGlossa: a journal of general linguistics [ViVo]A10, B01, ZAcademic Article
Maquate, Katja; Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Ioannidou-Tsiomou, Angelina; Knoeferle, Pia2024 Age differences in spoken language comprehension: verb-argument and formality-register congruence influence real-time sentence processingDiscourse Processes [ViVo]C03Academic Article
Adli, Aria; Verhoeven, Elisabeth; Lehmann, Nico; Mortezapour, Vahid; Vander Klok, Jozina2023 Lang*Reg: A multi-lingual corpus of intra-individual variation across situations [DOI] [ViVo]A06Corpus
Lüdeling, Anke; Lukassek, Julia; Akbari, Roodabeh2023 Guidelines for the Morphological Annotation of Nouns in the Falko Learner CorpusREALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZAcademic Article
Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Bernau, Natalie; Jannedy, Stefanie2023 Eliciting phonetic register variation via app19. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) [DOI] [ViVo]C02Conference Poster
Vanhala, Otso; Thies, Felix2023 The grammatically annotated corpus of the pericopes of the Old Lithuanian Postil of Jonas Bretkūnas [DOI] [ViVo]B02Corpus
Goymann, Frank2023 A Grammatically Annotated Corpus of the Old Latvian Postil of Georg Mancelius [DOI] [ViVo]B02Corpus
Beier, Phil; Schnelle, Gohar; Unverzagt, Silke; Norde, Muriel; Zeige, Lars Erik2023 BiNoKo V. 1.0 Birgitta-Notker-Korpus [DOI] [ViVo]B04Corpus
Müller, Stefan2023 Germanic Syntax: A Constraint-Based View [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A04Book
Müller, Stefan2023 Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. Fifth revised edition [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A04Book
Liu, Mingya; Schwab, Juliane; Hess, Ursula2023 Language and Face in Interactions: emotion perception, social meanings and communicative intentionsFrontiers in Psychology [DOI] [ViVo]A07Academic Article
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Serova, Dina; Lukassek, Julia; Sauermann, Antje; Schäfer, Roland; Adli, Aria et al.2023 Situating language register across the ages, languages, modalities, and cultural aspects: Evidence from complementary methodsFrontiers in Psychology [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A01, A04, A05, A06, A07, B03, B04, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, C07, INF, MGK, ZAcademic Article
Jannedy, Stefanie; Duran, Daniel2023 Register differences in ÄH-ÄHM filler particles? DiSS Workshop 2023 (Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech) [DOI] [ViVo]C02Conference Paper
Krause, Thomas2023 Hexatomic: An extensible, OS-independent platform for deep multi-layer linguistic annotation of corporaJournal of Open Source Software [DOI] [ViVo]INFAcademic Article
Lehmann, Nico; Serova, Dina; Lukassek, Julia; Döring, Sophia; Goymann, Frank; Lüdeling, Anke et al.2023 Guidelines for the annotation of parameters of narration.REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A06, B02, B03, C04, C05, C06, INF, ZAcademic Article
Beier, Phil; Schnelle, Gohar; Unverzagt, Silke; Norde, Muriel; Zeige, Lars Erik2023 Guidelines for the Birgitta-Notker-Korpus (BiNoKo)REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation [DOI] [ViVo]B04Academic Article
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2023 Interlocutor relation predicts the formality of the conversation: An experiment in American and British EnglishREALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation [DOI] [ViVo]A07Academic Article
Schnelle, Gohar; Hennig, Mathilde; Odebrecht, Carolin; Lüdeling, Anke2023 Historische Korpora in sprachhistorisch orientierter germanistischer HochschullehreBeiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur [DOI] [ViVo]B04, C04, C05, C06, INF, ZAcademic Article
Belz, Malte; Ebert, Melissa; Müller, Miriam; Sun, Jianqi; Terada, Megumi; Xia, Qiang2023 Einfluss videobasierter Kommunikation (Zoom) auf die VokalqualitätP&P 18. Universität Bielefeld [DOI] [ViVo]C06Academic Article
Belz, Malte; Ebert, Melissa; Müller, Miriam; Sun, Jianqi; Terada, Megumi; Xia, Qiang2023 Reduced vowel space in video conferences via Zoom: Evidence from read speechJASA Express Letters [DOI] [ViVo]C06Academic Article
Aznar, Jocelyn2023 The unexpected relationship between direct speech and singing: from a descriptive perspective to a cross-linguistic explorationKolloquium SFB1412 (2023) [ViVo]A02Invited Talk
Burnett, Heather2023 Analyzing Linguistic Variation Using Discursive WorldsKolloquium SFB1412 (2023) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Chark, Jordan2023 Situational biases in diachrony: how register distinctions emergeFormal Diachronic Semantics (FoDS) 7 [ViVo]A05, A10Presentation
Chark, Jordan2023 Discourse structure and the reorganisation of the Icelandic aspectual systemDiscourse Structure and Narration: A Diachronic View from Germanic [ViVo]A05, A10Invited Talk
Egg, Markus2023 Metaphors as register markers56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea [ViVo]A01Presentation
Egg, Markus2023 What metaphors don’t say: register marking via metaphorsWhat words don’t say: Intercultural, cross-cultural and societal aspects of (in)direct communication, Università della Calabria [ViVo]A01Presentation
Egg, Markus2023 Metaphor and metonymy as markers of register variationNew Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 51 [ViVo]A01Presentation
Zeige, Lars Erik; Fleischer, Jürg2023 Register bei Martin Luther: Attributiver Genitiv und VerbclusterSprachhistorisches Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2023) [ViVo]B04Presentation
Haig, Geoffrey2023 Which domains of morphosyntax are sensitive to register variation? Thoughts from Iranian languages.Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2023) [ViVo]A06, ZPresentation
Riedel, Alexandra; Hülk, Kristina2023 Abgrenzen und Einladen - Funktionale Gestaltungsaspekte der königlichen Pyramidenfriedhöfe in Meroe, SudanTagung des Forschungsclusters "Religion-Gesellschaft-Individuum" des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts zum Thema "Kontrolle Sakraler und Sepulkraler Räume", Athen [ViVo]B03Presentation
Jannedy, Stefanie2023 Sprachexterne Faktoren haben Einfluss auf die Sprache: welche, wie und warumKiel Linguistik Kolloquium [ViVo]C02Invited Talk
Liu, Mingya2023 SociolinguisticsSeminar HU Institut für deutsche Sprache und Lingusitik WiSe 2022/23 [ViVo]A07Course
Liu, Mingya2023 Research MethodsSeminar HU Institut für deutsche Sprache und Lingusitik WiSe 2022/23 [ViVo]A07Course
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2023 An experimental study on social meanings of negative concord in EnglishCARLA 2023, Montréal (QC), Canada [ViVo]A07Presentation
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2023 Individual differences in the perception of negative concord in American EnglishIndiPRAG, Saarbrücken Germany  [ViVo]A07Presentation
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2023 An experimental study on social meanings of negative concord in EnglishAmLaP 2023, Donostia–San Sebastián [ViVo]A07Presentation
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2023 Social meaning of negative concord and modal concord in American Englishxpragx, Paris, France [ViVo]A07Presentation
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2023 Social meaning of negative concord in American EnglishWorkshop on “Language in Social Interaction” at the University of Wuppertal [ViVo]A07Presentation
Lüdeling, Anke2023 Registers and Individual Differences in Heritage Data Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 14), Flensburg [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZInvited Talk
Lütke, Beate2023 Bildungssprache und RegistergebrauchKarl-Franzens-Universität Graz [ViVo]C05Presentation
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate2023 Entwicklung der Registerflexibilität im akademischen Kontext – zum Aufbau des ReFlexAE-Korpus Herder-Institut, Universität Leipzig [ViVo]C05Presentation
Matras, Yaron2023 Angloromani: Mixed Language or Register?Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
McCread, Elin2023 Elin McCready – Varieties of Register Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Morris, Dan2023 Register and the Development of Comparative and Superlative Alternation in Historical EnglishColloque Bisannuel de Diachronie de l’Anglais/Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English (CBDA-7) [ViVo]B01Presentation
Mühlenbernd, Roland2023 Modeling imprecision in contextWiener Sprachgesellschaft. University of Vienna. [ViVo]A05Invited Talk
Solt, Stephanie; Mühlenbernd, Roland2023 Social meaning of (im)precision: Testing a pragmatic approachSocial Meaning Berlin 2023 [ViVo]A05Presentation
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie2023 An experimental study on social meanings of modal concord in EnglishAmLaP 2023, Donostia–San Sebastián [ViVo]A07Presentation
Saab, Andrés2023 Honoring and insulting in the syntax and beyondKolloquium SFB1412 (2023) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Sailer, Manfred2023 Explicit or redundant: The social meaning of multiple exponence Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2023) [ViVo]A04, A06, ZInvited Talk
Sailer, Manfred2023 Explicit or redundant: The social meaning of multiple exponence Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) [ViVo]A04, A06, ZInvited Talk
Terada, Megumi; Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine; Sell, Bianca Maria2023 Acoustic measures of non-native addressee register for mid to high proficient English learners of GermanInternational Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague Congress Center [ViVo]C06Presentation
Sharoff, Serge2023 Genres, registers and text functions Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Solt, Stephanie2023 Not very easy: towards the unification of scalar implicature & understatementThe 33rd meeting of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 33), Yale Uiversity, New Haven [ViVo]A05Presentation
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Varaschin, Giuseppe2023 Agreement in Brazilian Portuguese: A case of Register VariationHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2023) [ViVo]A04, A06, ZPresentation
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Varaschin, Giuseppe2023 Variation and Usage Preferences: The Case of First-Person Plural in Brazilian PortugueseInternal and external pressures shaping language [ViVo]A04, A06, ZPresentation
Wan, Shujun2023 Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss: wie werden sie in L1- und L2-Texten rhetorisch aufgebaut? - Eine korpusbasierte kontrastive Studie浙江大学 (Zhejiang Universität, China)  [ViVo]C04Invited Talk
Xia, Qiang2023 Qiang Xia – Turn-taking in face-to-face and Zoom conversations. Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) [ViVo]C06Invited Talk
Xia, Qiang2023 Temporal aspects of turn-taking in zoom conversationsInternational Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague Congress Center [ViVo]C06Presentation
Xia, Qiang2023 How does turn-taking behavior affect conversational interactivity?Language in Social Interaction—International Workshop. Bergische Universität Wuppertal [ViVo]C06Presentation
Krause, Thomas2023 The four elements of achieving research software sustainability for long tail projectsdeRSE23 - Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany [ViVo]INFPresentation
Schnelle, Gohar; Roth, Theresa2023 Evidential Strategies in Ancient vs. Early Modern Medical Discourse Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) [ViVo]B04Invited Talk
Schnelle, Gohar; Serova, Dina2023 Poster session of the participants of the Berlin University Alliance X-Student Research Group ‘Berlin epitaphs as source for historical register research’Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) [ViVo]B03, B04Presentation
Beier, Phil; Schnelle, Gohar; Unverzagt, Silke2023 Intra-writer variation in Old High German and Old Swedish: The impact of social role relationship on constructing instructionsIntra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics [ViVo]B04Chapter
Belz, Malte; Sell, Bianca Maria; Lange, Robert; Mooshammer, Christine; Lüdeling, Anke2023 BeDiaCo (L1-L1) und CoNNAR (L1-L1/L2). Freie und aufgabenorientierte spontansprachliche Dialoge in direkter und videobasierter KommunikationNeue Entwicklungen in der Korpuslandschaft der Germanistik. [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZChapter
Terada, Megumi; Sell, Bianca Maria; Lange, Robert; Müller, Miriam; Belz, Malte2023 Documentation and annotation guidelines of CoNNAR Version 1REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation [ViVo]C06Academic Article
Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine; Sell, Bianca Maria; Terada, Megumi2023 Acoustic measures of non-native addressee register for mid to high proficient English learners of GermanInternational Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague Congress Center [ViVo]C06Conference Paper
Weber, Thilo; Bildhauer, Felix; Münzberg, Franziska2023 Finite vs. infinite Attributsätze: zu/dass-Alternation bei SubstantivenFugenelemente, Präfix-und Partikelverben, Attributsätze [ViVo]A04Chapter
Chark, Jordan2023 A perfect-like stative: On Icelandic 'búinn að' and pragmatic competition in the aspectual domainProceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 27 [ViVo]A05, A10Conference Paper
Varaschin, Giuseppe; Culicover, Peter W.; Winkler, Susanne2023 In pursuit of Condition C: (Non-)coreference in grammar, discourse and processingInformation Structure and Discourse in Generative Grammar [ViVo]A04, A06, ZChapter
Duran, Daniel; Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie2023 Assessing Register Variation In Local Speech Ratethe 20th international Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague. [ViVo]C02Conference Paper
Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie2023 Eliciting phonetic register variation via appPhonetik & Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) [ViVo]C02Conference Paper
Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie2023 Experimental assessment of intra-individual stylistic variation in fine phonetic detail [ViVo]C02Academic Article
Koch, Helena; Egg, Markus2023 Morphologische Prozesse in Polari und modernem LGBTQ+-Slang auf Twitter – Eine vergleichende RegisteranalyseJahrbuch der Berliner Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft [ViVo]A01Academic Article
Egg, Markus; Kordoni, Valia2023 A corpus of metaphors as register markersEACL 2023 [ViVo]A01Conference Paper
Feulner, Anna Helene; Goymann, Frank; Hock, Wolfgang; Vanhala, Otso2023 Register im älteren Baltischen: Die Postillen des Altlitauischen und AltlettischenArchivum Lithuanicum [ViVo]B02Academic Article
Serova, Dina; Hutter, K.2023 "Erzählte Räume" in nicht-narrativen Texten am Beispiel von PT 412 (Forthcoming)Egyptological Perspectives on Key Issues of Historical Narratology [ViVo]B03Academic Article
Ihden, Sarah; Schnelle, Gohar; Schröder, Ingrid; Zeige, Lars Erik2023 Der Verbund ‚Deutsch Diachron Digital. Referenzkorpora zur deutschen Sprachgeschichte'Neue Entwicklungen in der Korpuslandschaft der Germanistik. [ViVo]B04Chapter
Jannedy, Stefanie; Weirich, Melanie2023 Plapper – a smartphone app for self recording: Exploration of Vowel-SpacesPhonetics and Phonology in Europe 2023 (PaPE) [ViVo]C02Conference Poster
Lange, Robert2023 TierTagger (Version 0.9) [ViVo]C06Software
Lüdeling, Anke; Mooshammer, Christine; Lange, Robert; Sell, Bianca Maria; Terada, Megumi2023 Corpus of Non-Native Addressee Register (CoNNAR). Version 1 [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZCorpus
Schwab, Juliane; Mueller, Jutta L.; Liu, Mingya2023 Dimensions of variation in sentence comprehension: A case study on understating negative polarity items in GermanLinguistische Berichte [ViVo]A07Academic Article
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie2023 Modal concord in American and British English: A register-based experimental studyProceedings of the 58th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS58), University of Chicago [ViVo]A07Academic Article
Peyer, Ann; Lütke, Beate2023 Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven auf implizites und explizites Sprachwissen im Deutschunterricht - ein Überblick.Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée (VALS/ASLA) [ViVo]C05Academic Article
Lütke, Beate; Rödel, Laura2023 Fachunterricht und SprachbewusstheitSprachbewusstheit [ViVo]C05Chapter
Meyer, Roland2023 Control ConstructionsGrenoble, L. et al. (eds.): Brill’s Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics [ViVo]A03Academic Article
Meyer, Roland2023 Raising ContstructionsGrenoble, L. et al. (eds.): Brill’s Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics [ViVo]A03Academic Article
Meyer, Roland2023 Detecting Authorship, Hands, and Corrections in Historical Manuscripts. A Mixed-Methods Approach Towards the Unpublished Writings of an 18th Century Czech Emigré Community in BerlinSchneider, B. et al. (eds.). Mixed Methods in the Humanities. Digital Humanities Research, transcript. [ViVo]A03Academic Article
Serova, Dina2023 Problematizing linguistic variation in the Coffin Texts: A case-study on spell CT 335 (forthcoming)Variability in the Earlier Egyptian Mortuary Texts and related materials [ViVo]B03Academic Article
Terada, Megumi2023 Indirect effect of orthographic form on phonetic realisation in L2 German: A Corpus study of inflectional endings in spontaneous speechEuroSLA 32. University of Birmingham [ViVo]C06Conference Poster
Varaschin, Giuseppe2023 LFG and Simpler SyntaxHandbook of Lexical Functional Grammar [ViVo]A04, A06, ZChapter
Wiese, Heike2023 Grammatical Systems without Language Borders: Lessons from Free-Range-Languages [ViVo]C07Book
Xia, Qiang2023 Eine phonetische Analyse der Modalpartikel Ja in deutscher AlltagskommunikationP&P 18. Universität Bielefeld [ViVo]C06Conference Poster
Vanhala, Otso2023 Momentaneous derived verbs in Vilentas’s textsLinguistica Lettica [ViVo]B02Academic Article
Sauermann, Antje; Schulte, Britta; Wiese, Heike2023 Sprachkontakt in Namibia: Registerdifferenzierung im Namdeutschen Deutsch im Kontakt [ViVo]C07Chapter
Plesca, Ana-Maria; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2023 Examining register and semantic verb-argument congruence effects: An eye-tracking reading studyAMLaP 2023 [ViVo]C03Abstract
Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Maquate, Katja; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia2023 Investigating the real-time processing of register in spoken language comprehensionAMLaP 2023 [ViVo]C03Abstract
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Maquate, Katja; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia2023 On the unfolding of formality-register and morphosyntactic congruence effects in sentence processing: An eye-tracking study.AMLaP 2023 [ViVo]C03Abstract
Schütz, Johannes2023 ToolboxTools [ViVo]B02Software publication
Maquate, Katja; Buchmüller, Olga; Reul, Guendalina; Tanis-Cosgun, Esma; Knoeferle, Pia2023 Situational-functional settings affect evaluation of linguistic registerAMLaP 2023 [ViVo]A03, C03Abstract
Veenstra, Tonjes; Krifka, Manfred; Akbari, Roodabeh; Buchmüller, Olga; Chark, Jordan; Döring, Sophia et al.2023 Podcast: Sprachen aus dem Schnellkochtopf: Register in Kreols (Teil 1)  [ViVo]A02, A03, A05, A10, C04, INF, ZAudio Document
Marklová, Anna; Buchmüller, Olga; Demian, Christoph; Meyer, Roland; Szucsich, Luka2023 Register in Czech: Designing an MDA-based experimental studyLinguistics Beyond And Within [ViVo]  [PDF]A03Academic Article
Goymann, Frank; Schütz, Johannes2023 Perfekt und Nebensätze im AltlettischenLinguistica Lettica [ViVo]B02Academic Article
Lüdeling, Anke; Akbari, Roodabeh; Buchmüller, Olga; Chark, Jordan; Döring, Sophia; Golcher, Felix et al.2023 Podcast: Was ist ein Register?  [ViVo]A03, A05, A10, C04, C05, C06, INF, ZAudio Document
Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie2023 Assessing register variation in local speech rateInternational Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague Congress Center [ViVo]C02Conference Paper
Wan, Shujun2022 Kobalt_RST: Die Annotation von rhetorischen Strukturen im Kobalt-DaF-Korpus [DOI] [ViVo]C04Corpus
Wan, Shujun2022 Zur Positionierung der eigenen Meinung und der Verwendung von Appellen in argumentativen Texten: Chinesische DaF-Lerner/-innen, L1-Sprecher/-innen des Deutschen und chinesische EFL-Lerner/-innen im VergleichDeutsch als Fremdsprache [DOI] [ViVo]C04Academic Article
Lehmann, Nico; Verhoeven, Elisabeth2022 Discourse-Independent Variation in V-Initial Constituent Order: The Yucatec Mayan Preverbal Domain RevisitedProcLingEvi2020, Universität Tübingen [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A06Academic Article
Sell, Bianca Maria; Belz, Malte2022 Picture materials of anthropomorphic animals for the use in speech production and perception experiments [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]C06Dataset
Sell, Bianca Maria; Oliviera, Maggie Bullock2022 PDF and PSD files of DiapixGEtv picture materials – German version adapted to elicit tense vowels [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]C06Dataset
Wiese, Heike; Sauermann, Antje; Bracke, Y.2022 Coherence and language contactThe Coherence of Linguistic Communities Orderly Heterogeneity and Social Meaning [DOI] [ViVo]C07Chapter
Wisniewski, Katrin; Lüdeling, Anke; Czinglar, Christine2022 Zu Umgang mit Variation in der Lernersprachenanalyse. Perspektiven aus und für DaF/DaZDeutsch als Fremdsprache [DOI] [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZAcademic Article
Oikonomou, Despina; Rizou, Vasiliki; Bondarenko, Daniil; Özsoy, Onur; Alexiadou, Artemis2022 Scalar and Counterfactual Approximatives: Investigating Heritage Greek in the USA and GermanyLanguages [DOI] [ViVo]A10, B01, ZAcademic Article
Mühlenbernd, Roland; Wacewicz, Slawomir; Zywiczyński, Przemyslaw2022 The evolution of ambiguity in sender—receiver signaling gamesGames [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A05Academic Article
Schwab, Juliane; Liu, Mingya2022 Processing Attenuating NPIs in Indicative and Counterfactual ConditionalsFrontiers in Psychology [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A07Academic Article
Wiese, Heike; Alexiadou, Artemis; Shanley, Allen; Bunk, Oliver; Gagarina, Natalia; Iefremenko, Kateryna et al.2022 Heritage Speakers as Part of the Native Language ContinuumFrontiers in Psychology [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A03, A10, B01, C04, C07, ZAcademic Article
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate2022 Fachsprachliche Kompetenzentwicklung bei Grundschullehramtsstudierenden – metasprachliches Wissen und RegisterflexibilitätAufmerksamkeitslenkung und Bewusstmachung in der Sprachvermittlung. Kognitive und didaktische Perspektiven auf Deutsch als Erst-, Zweit- und Fremdsprache [DOI] [ViVo]C05Chapter
Szucsich, Luka2022 Slavic languages are Type 3 languages: repliesTheoretical Linguistics [DOI] [ViVo]A03Academic Article
Haider, Hubert; Szucsich, Luka2022 Slavic languages – “SVO” languages without SVO qualities?Theoretical Linguistics [DOI] [ViVo]A03Academic Article
Mühlenbernd, Roland; Solt, Stephanie2022 Modeling (im)precision in contextLinguistics Vanguard [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A05Academic Article
Baumgärtner, Alena2022 Sprachlicher Habitus und Registerforschung ― Bourdieus Sprachsoziologie im Kontext der Untersuchung akademischer BildungsspracheBourdieu in der Germanistik [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]C05Chapter
Beltrama, Andrea; Solt, Stephanie; Burnett, Heather2022 Context, precision, and social perception: A sociopragmatic studyLanguage in Society [DOI] [ViVo]A05, ZAcademic Article
Sauerland, Uli2022 Quantifying the Register of German Quantificational Expressions: A Corpus-Based StudyMeasurements, Numerals and Scales [DOI] [ViVo]A05, MGKAcademic Article
Engel, Eric; Adli, Aria2022 Complexity and fluency at the end of the life spanKolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]A06, ZPresentation
Liu, Mingya; Adli, Aria2022 External FactorsCRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A06, A07Presentation
Liu, Mingya; Adli, Aria2022 External factors under investigationCRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A06, A07Presentation
Karkaletsou, Fenia; Malta, Izabella R.; McFadden, Thomas; Morris, Dan; Spathas, Giorgos; Alexiadou, Artemis2022 Towards a unified mechanism for the diachronic development of periphrastic alternationsDiachronic Generative Syntax (DiGS) 23 [ViVo]A10, B01, ZPresentation
Karkaletsou, Fenia; Oikonomou, Despina; Alexiadou, Artemis2022 Double comparatives are more stronger! Evidence from Greek15th International Conference on Greek Linguistics [ViVo]A10, B01, ZPresentation
Sauermann, Antje; Verhoeven, Elisabeth; Meyer, Roland; Lütke, Beate; Alexiadou, Artemis2022 MultilingualismCRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A03, A06, A10, B01, C05, C07, ZPresentation
Beier, Phil2022 Expressions of modality in Germanic: Competition and changeExpressions of modality in Germanic: Competition and change, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]B04Workshop
Beier, Phil2022 Register im Altschwedischen? Heliga Birgittas UppenbarelserLingvistisk lördag, ISFAS, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel [ViVo]B04Invited Talk
Beier, Phil2022 Registers in St. Birgitta's RevelationsOXBER-Summer School: Medialität / (Re-)Mediation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]B04Presentation
Beier, Phil2022 Altschwedisch für Laien. Registeranalyse in Birgittas Offenbarungen17. Überregionale Promovierendentagung der Skandinavistik, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn [ViVo]B04Presentation
Beier, Phil2022 Register in den Offenbarungen der Heiligen Birgitta von Schweden25. ATdS, LMU München [ViVo]B04Presentation
Beier, Phil2022 Two perspectives on studying register in St Birgitta's revelationsNECRON - Network of Early Career Researchers in Old Norse, Stockholms Universitet [ViVo]B04Presentation
Norde, Muriel; Beier, Phil2022 Modal constructions in Old Swedish legal and religious textsExpressions of modality in Germanic: Competition and change, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]B04Presentation
Norde, Muriel; Beier, Phil2022 Modelling modal meaning: Directivity in Old Swedish religious prose25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Oxford [ViVo]B04Presentation
Buchmüller, Olga2022 Presentation in the framework of the seminar: Ausgewählte Sprachphänomene des Ukrainischen - Multilingualismus in der Ukraine.Seminar HU Slawistik BA WiSe 2021/2022 [ViVo]A03Presentation
Buchmüller, Olga2022 Presentation in the framework of the seminar: Sprache und Intuition. Sprachphänomene im deutsch-slawischen Vergleich erschließen: Methoden der Korpuslinguistik.Seminar HU Slawistik BA SoSe 2022  [ViVo]A03Course
Buchmüller, Olga2022 Presentation in the framework of the seminar: Sprache und Intuition. Sprachphänomene im deutsch-slawischen Vergleich erschließen: Experimentelles ArbeitenSeminar HU Slawistik BA SoSe 2022  [ViVo]A03Course
Demian, Christoph; Szucsich, Luka; Meyer, Roland; Buchmüller, Olga2022 Syntactic complexity across registers in RussianGrammar and Corpora (GaC) [ViVo]A03Presentation
Marklová, Anna; Buchmüller, Olga2022 Register investigation on Czech: Designing an MDA-based experimental studyLinguistic CRC Meetup 2022 [ViVo]A03Presentation
Chark, Jordan2022 A perfect-like stative: On Icelandic búinn að and pragmatic competition in the aspectual domainSinn und Bedeutung 27, Charles University [ViVo]A05, A10Presentation
Chark, Jordan2022 Subordinate Contexts Can Be Innovative: Evidence from the History of IcelandicInternational Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL25) [ViVo]A05, A10Presentation
Lehmann, Nico; Lukassek, Julia; Serova, Dina; Döring, Sophia2022 On NarrationCRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A06, B03, C04, ZPresentation
Egg, Markus2022 A corpus annotated for metaphor in GermanDGfS 2022, University of Tübingen [ViVo]A01Presentation
Egg, Markus2022 Metaphor annotation for GermanLREC 2022, Marseille [ViVo]A01Presentation
Egg, Markus2022 Register, genre, style, and all thatCRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A01Presentation
Egg, Markus2022 Metaphors as register markersMetaphors and stance markers in register variation (MeStaR) [ViVo]A01Presentation
Farokhnejad, Zahra2022 A general outlook of Kurdish register data: focusing on Code-switching and post-predicate constituents Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2022) [ViVo]A06Presentation
Abishek, Stephen; Farokhnejad, Zahra2022 CRC fellows present their research projectsKolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]A06, C04, MGKPresentation
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie; Giannakidou , Anastasia2022 Bias and modality in conditionalsDGfS 2022, University of Tübingen [ViVo]A07Presentation
Temme, Anne; Golcher, Felix2022 Contrast CodingCRC/MGK Methodschool 2022 [ViVo]INF, MGKWorkshop
Habermann, Mechthild2022 Vertextungsstrategien volkssprachlicher Fachtexte der Frühen Neuzeit Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Hülk, Kristina2022 Eine Betrachtung der Pyramidenkapelle Beg. N11 aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln, Blick als semiotische RessourceArbeitskreis Multimodalität im Alten Ägypten und Sudan, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin [ViVo]B03Presentation
Hülk, Kristina2022 Graphic Communication in Egypt and SudanCRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 [ViVo]B03Presentation
Hülk, Kristina2022 Frontality in Meroitic Visual Communication: Function and Variation in Meaning15th International Conference for Nubian Studies, Warsaw [ViVo]B03Presentation
Hülk, Kristina2022 Project B03 - ResourcesMembers' Meeting February 2022 [ViVo]B03Presentation
Serova, Dina; Hülk, Kristina2022 Introduction to Workshop ReAL "Register in Ancient Languages"ReAL " Register in Ancient Languages" [ViVo]B03Presentation
Serova, Dina; Hülk, Kristina2022 Register in Ancient Languages (ReAL)ReAL " Register in Ancient Languages" [ViVo]B03Workshop
Jannedy, Stefanie2022 Der Einfluss sprachexterner Faktoren auf die gesprochene Sprache - Wer spricht wie mit wem und warum?Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprechwissenschaft und Sprecherziehung (DGSS): Stimme und Geschlecht im Wandel - Implikationen für Theorie und Praxis in der Sprechwissenschaft und Phonetik [ViVo]C02Invited Talk
Schüppenhauer, Gediminas; Weirich, Melanie; Duran, Daniel; Jannedy, Stefanie2022 Register Differences in Vowel Dispersion in Formal and Informal Situations11th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe - ICLaVE|11 [ViVo]C02Presentation
Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2022 Real-time effects of register congruence on spoken and written language comprehension: Preliminary eye-tracking dataKolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]C03Presentation
Krifka, Manfred2022 Modality in DaakieMultiple Modality [ViVo]A02Workshop
König, Peter2022 Using VR for the investigation of embodied cognitionKolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Kühnast, Milena2022 Modeling register developmentArea C Meeting [ViVo]C05Presentation
Lütke, Beate; Kühnast, Milena2022 Erklärfähigkeiten von Grundschullehramtsstudierenden des Faches Deutsch – metalinguistisches Wissen und Registerflexibilität24. Symposion Deutschdidaktik, Vienna, Austria [ViVo]C05Presentation
Belz, Malte; Lüdeling, Anke; Mooshammer, Christine; Sell, Bianca Maria; Terada, Megumi; Lange, Robert2022 Das Berlin Dialogue Corpus (BeDiaCo) und das Corpus of Non-Native Addressee Register (CoNNAR) – themen- und aufgabenorientierte spontansprachliche Dialoge in direkter und videobasierter KommunikationIDS-Methodenmesse 2022 [ViVo]  [PDF]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZPresentation
Sell, Bianca Maria; Mooshammer, Christine; Lüdeling, Anke; Oliviera, Maggie Bullock; Lange, Robert2022 Non-Native Addressee Register in German11th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe - ICLaVE|11 [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZPresentation
Lehmann, Nico2022 Register and the function puzzle: Why register competence is not the whole story Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]A06Presentation
Serova, Dina; Lehmann, Nico2022 Register Aspects of Language in Situation (REALIS)CRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A06, B03Presentation
Liu, Mingya2022 HU-Workshop on "Multiple Modality"Multiple Modality [ViVo]A07Workshop
Liu, Mingya2022 SociolinguisticsSeminar HU Institut für deutsche Sprache und Lingusitik SoSe 2022  [ViVo]A07Course
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2022 Register sensitivity of negative concord in American and British EnglishHSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz [ViVo]A07Presentation
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2022 Register sensitivity of negative concord in American and British EnglishSLE Workshop on "A hundred years of negative concord", University of Bucharest [ViVo]A07Presentation
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2022 An experimental study of multiple modals and their register sensitivity in EnglishHSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz [ViVo]A07Presentation
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya2022 Register sensitivity of negation, polarity and modality in American and British English CRC Colloquium – HU Berlin [ViVo]A07Presentation
Lüdeling, Anke; Shadrova, Anna; Lukassek, Julia2022 Variation and Productivity in German L1 and L2 Nominal Word FormationDGfS 2022, University of Tübingen [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZPresentation
Schulte, Britta; Lukassek, Julia2022 Narration in Context: Between Linguistic Theory and Empirical Operationalization - Introduction44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachforschung (DGfS), Tübingen, zoom [ViVo]C04, C07Presentation
Shadrova, Anna; Lüdeling, Anke; Wan, Shujun; Lukassek, Julia2022 Complex nouns as markers of academic register in L1-and L2-authored essaysWord formation and discourse structure [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZPresentation
Lukeš, David2022 Methodological issues in multi-dimensional analysis: Insights from a from-scratch MDA of CzechKolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Lüdeling, Anke2022 Zum Umgang mit Variation in der Lernersprachenanalyse. Perspektiven aus und für DaF/DaZLCR2022 6th Learner Corpus Research Conference, Padua, September [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZInvited Talk
Lüdeling, Anke2022 Variability in Grammatical Categories and Structures: The Case of Word Formation, Ghent, BelgiumGrammar and Corpora (GaC) [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZInvited Talk
Krause, Thomas; Lüdeling, Anke2022 What is a good corpus? SFB 1412 Colloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZPresentation
Knoeferle, Pia; Mooshammer, Christine; Lütke, Beate2022 Area C on modelingCRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 [ViVo]C03, C05, C06Presentation
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate2022 Stance markers as indicators of register flexibilityInternational Workshop "Metaphors and Stance Markers in Register Variation" (MeStaR) [ViVo]C05Presentation
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate2022 Registerflexibilität in grammatischen Erklärungen von Lehramtsstudierenden des Faches Deutsch - Einblick in quantitative und qualitative Daten.24. Grazer Tagung "Deutsch als Fremd-/Zweitsprache & Sprachdidaktik" [ViVo]C05Presentation
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate2022 Register acquisition and educationCRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 [ViVo]C05Presentation
Kühnast, Milena; Egg, Markus; Lütke, Beate2022 Workshop "Register, Genre and Style"CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A01, C05Workshop
Varaschin, Giuseppe; Machicao y Priemer, Antonio2022 Agreement mismatches and register-driven variation in Brazilian PortugueseOberseminar Syntax and Semantics, Institut für England- und Amerikastudien, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main [ViVo]A04, A06, ZPresentation
Buchmüller, Olga; Maquate, Katja2022 Data protection and Ethics Experimental Methods Meeting [ViVo]A03, C03Presentation
Marklová, Anna2022 Reading circle autumn reportCRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A03Presentation
Buchmüller, Olga; Szucsich, Luka; Meyer, Roland; Demian, Christoph; Marklová, Anna2022 Speakers’ assessment of situational contexts of language use: Dimensions of variation in CzechLinguistics Beyond And Within 2022 [ViVo]A03Presentation
Delucchi Danhier, Renate; Marklová, Anna2022 Spatial asymmetry of mental representation in Czech,German and Spanish14. Deutschen Slavistiktags 2022 [ViVo]A03Presentation
Schnelle, Gohar; Lehmann, Nico; Marklová, Anna2022 Reading circle terminologyCRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A03, A06, B04Presentation
Meyerhoff, Miriam2022 Attitudes to variation: verbal hygiene, aesthetics and actionKolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Morris, Dan2022 Register Influence on the Development of Synthetic and Analytic Alternation in Middle English Comparatives and Superlatives12th International Conference on Middle English [ViVo]B01Presentation
Schwab, Juliane; Liu, Mingya; Beese, Caroline; Gruber, Thomas; Mueller, Jutta L.2022 Testing predictive and integrative neural mechanisms in the processing of negative polarity itemsHSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz [ViVo]A07Presentation
Solt, Stephanie; Mühlenbernd, Roland2022 Modeling (im)precision in contextSFB 1412 Colloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]A05Invited Talk
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Schäfer, Roland; Bildhauer, Felix; Müller, Stefan2022 Towards a treatment of register phenomena in HPSGThe 29th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Nagoya University & the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics [ViVo]A04, A06, ZPresentation
Natchoo, Nicholas2022 Also sprach the Dodo Bird: Teaching in Kreol Morisien and Register RecruitmentKolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Pickering, Martin2022 How do people interpret implausible sentences? Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Golcher, Felix; Renis, André2022 Introduction to VIVOKolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]  [PDF]INFPresentation
Temme, Anne; Renis, André2022 Jupyter Notebooks for Linguists: Introduction to FLAIR NLPCRC/MGK Methodschool 2022 [ViVo]  [PDF]INF, MGKWorkshop
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie2022 Register-sensitivity of quantifier use: no vs. any in EnglishCARLA22 – Special session on Register – HU Berlin [ViVo]A07Presentation
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie2022 An experimental study of multiple modals and register effects in American and British EnglishCLS, University of Chicago [ViVo]A07Presentation
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie2022 An experimental study of multiple modals and register effects in American and British EnglishWorkshop on "Variation, contact, and modal constructions in English", University of Paris [ViVo]A07Presentation
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie2022 Register Sensitivity of Negative Concord and NPIs in Varieties of EnglishLinguistic SFB Meetup – HU Berlin [ViVo]A07Presentation
Sauermann, Antje2022 MultilingualismCRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 [ViVo]C07Presentation
Dobler, Fynn Raphael; Wiese, Heike; Sauermann, Antje2022 Sociolinguistic variation in Kiezdeutsch and NamdeutschMethods XVII (1.8. - 5.8.2022), Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz [ViVo]C07Presentation
Schaefer, Saskia2022 We don’t use that word – The Political Vocabulary of Muslim Feminists in Indonesia. Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Schulte, Britta2022 Register(wahrnehmung) im NamdeutschenTagung Netzwerk (deutsche) Sprachminderheiten [ViVo]C07Presentation
Schulte, Britta2022 Narration in Context: Between Linguistic Theory and Empirical OperationalizationNarration in Context [ViVo]C07Workshop
Serova, Dina; Lukassek, Julia; Schulte, Britta2022 Introduction to Workshop Narration in ContextNarration in Context [ViVo]B03, C04, C07Presentation
Serova, Dina2022 'Erzählte Räume' und InteraktionArbeitskreis Multimodalität im Alten Ägypten und Sudan, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin [ViVo]B03Presentation
Serova, Dina2022 Semantic Perspectives on the Nude/Naked Body in Ancient Egyptian TextsEgyptology in dialogue: Historical bodies in relations of comparisons and negotiations, Emory University, zoom [ViVo]B03Presentation
Serova, Dina2022 Deformiert und diffamiert. Körperstrafen in Grabdarstellungen des Alten ReichesJahrestagung des Clusters "Körper und Tod", DAI Berlin [ViVo]B03Presentation
Serova, Dina2022 Register variation in Ancient Egyptian narrative texts: A case-study on 'Wenamun'Current Research in Egyptology, Montpellier [ViVo]B03Presentation
Serova, Dina2022 Area B on modeling of register knowledge in Historical LinguisticsCRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 [ViVo]B03Presentation
Serova, Dina2022 Problematizing linguistic variation in the Coffin Texts: A case-study on spell CT 335MORTEXVAR - Individuals, Groups, Tracers, Universidad de Alcala, zoom [ViVo]B03Presentation
Döring, Sophia; Lehmann, Nico; Serova, Dina2022 NarrationCRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A06, B03, ZPresentation
Kühnast, Milena; Serova, Dina2022 FormalityCRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 [ViVo]B03, C05Presentation
Rickert, Alexa; Matić, Uroš; Serova, Dina2022 Bodies in Ancient Egypt: Subjects, Objects, Media - IntroductionBodies in Ancient Egypt: Subjects, Objects, Media, WWU Münster [ViVo]B03Presentation
Solt, Stephanie2022 Towards an alternative-based theory of understatement Workshop on Alternatives, Expectations and Domain Widening, Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv [ViVo]A05Invited Talk
Solt, Stephanie2022 'Much', polarity and register Online-Colloquium "Empirical English Linguistics", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]A05Invited Talk
Mühlenbernd, Roland; Solt, Stephanie2022 Modeling (im)precision in contextKolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]A05Presentation
Liu, Mingya; Adli, Aria; Szucsich, Luka2022 Area A on modelingCRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 [ViVo]A03, A06, A07Presentation
Vanhala, Otso2022 Verbal derived stems and semantics in prefixed verbs in the earliest Lithuanian textsThird Pranas Skardžius Memorial Conference [ViVo]B02Presentation
Wan, Shujun2022 Kontrastive Rhetorik: Merkmale deutscher und chinesischer argumentativen Texte Uni Potsdam [ViVo]C04Invited Talk
Wan, Shujun2022 Schreibstrategien in argumentativen Texten chinesischer Deutschlerner:innenKolloquium Korpuslinguistik und Phonetik (WiSe 2022/23), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]C04Presentation
Wegener, Rebekah2022 Benefits and Challenges of Parametric models of Context. Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Wiese, Heike2022 Comm-sits and registersKolloquium SFB1412 (2022) [ViVo]C07Presentation
Wiese, Heike2022 Bare NPs in German in the US, Namibia, and Germany: Results from a comparative corpus studyDeutsche Sprachminderheiten kontrastiv, Bamberg [ViVo]C07Presentation
Temme, Anne; Agha, Asif2022 Summer school on Register with Asif AghaSummer school on Register 2022 [ViVo]MGKWorkshop
Rotter, Stephanie; Antal, Caitlyn; Bechberger, Lucas; Haase, Viviana; Hinrichs, Nicolás Araneda; Schneider, Stefan et al.2022 Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application (CARLA 2022)CARLA 2022 [ViVo]A07, C03Workshop
Adli, Aria2022 Coherence and implicational hierarchies in the speech of the very oldThe Coherence of Linguistic Communities Orderly Heterogeneity and Social Meaning [ViVo]A06Chapter
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Müller, Stefan; Schäfer, Roland; Bildhauer, Felix2022 Towards a treatment of register phenomena in HPSGProceedings of the 29th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Nagoya University & Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics [ViVo]A04, A06, ZAcademic Article
Marklová, Anna; Buchmüller, Olga2022 Register investigation on CzechSummer school of linguistics 2022 [ViVo]A03Conference Poster
Church, Kenneth; Kordoni, Valia; Marcus, Gary; Ma, Y; Chen, Z; Davis, E.2022 A gentle introduction to Deep Nets and opportunities for the futureProceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Tutorial Abstracts [ViVo]A01Academic Article
Church, Kenneth; Kordoni, Valia2022 Emerging trends: SOTA-chasingNatural Language Engineering [ViVo]A01Academic Article
Egg, Markus; Kordoni, Valia2022 A corpus annotated for metaphor in GermanLREC 2022, Marseille [ViVo]A01Conference Paper
Schnelle, Gohar; Odebrecht, Carolin; Lüdeling, Anke; Perlitz, Laura; Fisher, Catharina2022 "Die Blumenzeit der Frau": A corpus-based study of the development of medical references to menstruation in historical texts on herbologyCorpus Pragmatic Studies on the History of Medical Discourse [ViVo]B04, C04, C05, C06, INF, ZChapter
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2022 Effects of Register and Morphosyntactic Congruence on Eye Movements During Sentence ReadingConcepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application (CARLA 2022) [ViVo]C03Abstract
Kammerzell, Frank2022 Adapter l'écriture à l'évolution linguistiqueGuide des écritures de l'Égypte ancienne [ViVo]B03Academic Article
Schwab, Juliane; Liu, Mingya2022 Attenuating NPIs in indicative vs. counterfactual conditionalsGutzmann, Daniel & Sophie Repp, Eds.: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26 (SuB26), Universität zu Köln [ViVo]A07Academic Article
Müller, Stefan; Machicao y Priemer, Antonio2022 Modelling Register Variation in HPSG CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 [ViVo]  [PDF]A04, A06, ZConference Poster
Sorg, Charlotte2022 Register Sensitivity of Expletive Negation in English  [ViVo]A07Thesis
Tikhonov, Aleksej2022 Sprachen der Exilgemeinde in Rixdorf (Berlin): Autorenidentifikation und linguistische Merkmale anhand von tschechischen Manuskripten aus dem 18./19. Jahrhundert [ViVo]A03Thesis
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2022 An investigation of formality-register congruence and its interplay with morphosyntactic congruence during sentence reading: Two eye-tracking pilot studiesXPRAG 2022 [ViVo]C03Abstract
Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Maquate, Katja; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia2022 Effects of situation formality on spoken language comprehension of registerHSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz [ViVo]C03Abstract
Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Maquate, Katja; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia2022 Investigating the effect of situation-formality on spoken language comprehension of registerAMLaP 2022 [ViVo]C03Abstract
Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Maquate, Katja; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia2022 Investigating the effect of situation-formality on spoken language comprehension of registerIMPRS CONFERENCE 2022 [ViVo]C03Abstract
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2022 (How) Does Processing of Register and Morphosyntactic Congruence Affect Sentence Comprehension? Two Eye-Tracking Pilot StudiesIMPRS CONFERENCE 2022 [ViVo]C03Abstract
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2022 (How) Do Register and Morphosyntactic Congruence Effects Interact during Sentence Reading? Two Eye-Tracking Pilot StudiesCogSci [ViVo]C03Abstract
Plesca, Ana-Maria; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2022 The interplay of situation-formality register congruence and verb-argument relationsHSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz [ViVo]C03Abstract
Vanhala, Otso2022 Verbal derived stems and semantics in prefixed verbs in the earliest Lithuanian textsLietuvių kalba [ViVo]B02Academic Article
Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Maquate, Katja; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia2022 Investigating the real-time effect of register-situation formality congruence versus verb-argument semantic fit during spoken language comprehensionCogSci [ViVo]C03Conference Paper
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2022 How do formality-register congruence and subject-verb agreement effects unfold during sentence reading? Two eye-tracking pilot studiesAMLaP 2022 [ViVo]C03Abstract
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2022 Shared or distinct mechanisms: (How) Do register and subject-verb morphosyntactic congruence effects interact during sentence reading?HSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz [ViVo]C03Abstract
Demian, Christoph; Buchmüller, Olga; Meyer, Roland; Szucsich, Luka2022 Syntactic Complexity and Register in Russian [ViVo]A03Abstract
Plesca, Ana-Maria; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2022 The interplay of situation-formality register congruence and verb-argument relationsCogSci [ViVo]C03Abstract
Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine; Zöllner, Alina; Adam, Lea-Sophie2021 Berlin Dialogue Corpus (BeDiaCo): Version 2 [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]C06Dataset
Belz, Malte; Zöllner, Alina; Terada, Megumi; Lange, Robert; Adam, Lea-Sophie; Sell, Bianca Maria2021 Dokumentation und Annotationsrichtlinien für das Korpus BeDiaCo [DOI] [ViVo]C06Academic Article
Alexiadou, Artemis2021 Reanalysis of morphological exponence: a cross-linguistic perspectiveJournal of Historical Syntax [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A10, B01, ZAcademic Article
Lüdeling, Anke; Hirschmann , Hagen; Shadrova, Anna; Wan, Shujun2021 Tiefe Analyse von Lernerkorpora Deutsch in Europa [DOI] [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZChapter
Dudschig, Caroline; Kaup, Barbara; Liu, Mingya; Schwab, Juliane2021 The Processing of Negation and Polarity: An OverviewJournal of Psycholinguistic Research [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A07Academic Article
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie; Giannakidou , Anastasia2021 Bias and Modality in Conditionals: Experimental Evidence and Theoretical ImplicationsJournal of Psycholinguistic Research [DOI] [ViVo]A07Academic Article
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Müller, Stefan2021 NPs in German: Locality, theta roles, possessives, and genitive argumentsGlossa: a journal of general linguistics [DOI] [ViVo]A04, A06, ZAcademic Article
Shadrova, Anna; Lindscheid, Pia; Lukassek, Julia; Lüdeling, Anke; Schneider, Sarah2021 A Challenge for Contrastive L1/L2 Corpus Studies: Large Inter- and Intra-Individual Variation Across Morphological, but Not Global Syntactic Categories in Task-Based Corpus Data of a Homogeneous L1 German GroupFrontiers in Psychology [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZAcademic Article
Lima, Suzi; Veenstra, Tonjes2021 Complex structures in Brazilian Indigenous languagesBoletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A02Academic Article
Offrede, Tom; Fuchs, Susanne; Mooshammer, Christine2021 Multi‐speaker experimental designs: Methodological considerationsLanguage and Linguistics Compass [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]C06Academic Article
Umbach, Carla; Solt, Stephanie2021 Comparison via 'eher'Journal of Semantics [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A05Academic Article
Mühlenbernd, Roland; Wacewicz, Slawomir; Zywiczyński, Przemyslaw2021 Politeness and reputation in cultural evolutionLinguistics and Philosophy [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A05Academic Article
Schwab, Juliane; Liu, Mingya; Mueller, Jutta L.2021 On the Acquisition of Polarity Items: 11- to 12-Year-Olds' Comprehension of German NPIs and PPIsJournal of Psycholinguistic Research [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A07Academic Article
Alexiadou, Artemis2021 Online Talk12th International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics [ViVo]A10, B01, ZInvited Talk
Karkaletsou, Fenia; Oikonomou, Despina; Alexiadou, Artemis2021 Double comparatives from a crosslinguistc perspectiveGeneva [ViVo]  [PDF]A10, B01, ZInvited Talk
Baumgärtner, Alena2021 Registerforschung und sprachlicher HabitusOnline-Workshop Bourdieu in der Germanistik [ViVo]C05Presentation
Beier, Phil2021 Register emergence and Register Change in St. Birgitta's revelationsSällskapet för östnordisk filologi (SÖF) femte internationella konferens [ViVo]B04Presentation
Beier, Phil2021 Latinsk påverkan på ett religiöst register? Framväxten av register i Heliga Birgittas uppenbarelserSvenska Språkets Historia 16 (SSH16) Lunds universitet [ViVo]B04Presentation
Schnelle, Gohar; Beier, Phil2021 Register dependent variation. Instructions in Notker’s Psalterium and the Revelations of St. BirgittaIntra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics FAU Erlangen [ViVo]  [PDF]B04Presentation
Sherstinova, Tatjana; Blinova, Olga; Bogdanova-Belgrian, Natalia2021 Russian everyday speech: Dialogue and monologue in corpus representationKolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Meyer, Roland; Szucsich, Luka; Demian, Christoph; Buchmüller, Olga2021 Syntactic Complexity and Register in RussianWorkshop on complexity and register (CAR21) [ViVo]A03Presentation
Arana, Andrew; Burnett, Heather2021 Mathematical HygieneKolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Chark, Jordan2021 A formal account of the diachrony of the Icelandic ‘finish’ perfectFormal Diachronic Semantics (FoDS) 6 (virtual) [ViVo]A05, A10Presentation
Cooper, Paul2021 Enregisterment in historical contexts: nineteenth-century Yorkshire dialectKolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Dixon, Sally2021 Understanding complex repertoires in situations of language contact: an application of the Comparative Variationist methodKolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Egg, Markus2021 Metaphor variation across registers in GermanResearching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM) Conference [ViVo]A01Presentation
Horn, Laurence2021 Negation, negative polarity, and microvariation: two case studies.Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]ZPresentation
Brandt, Erika; Weirich, Melanie; Schüppenhauer, Gediminas; Jannedy, Stefanie2021 An experimental approach to cross-situational variation of single speakersNew Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV 49) [ViVo]C02Presentation
Alexiadou, Artemis; Karkaletsou, Fenia2021 Synthetic-analytic variation in the formation of Greek comparatives and relative superlativs: A corpus studyWorkshop on complexity and register (CAR21) [ViVo]A10, B01, ZPresentation
Müller, David; Verhoeven, Elisabeth; Adli, Aria; Lehmann, Nico2021 Cross-linguistic aspects of register variation: Right-peripheral constituents in GermanHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2021) [ViVo]A06Presentation
Rotter, Stephanie; Wartenburger, Isabell; Liu, Mingya2021 A comparative experimental study on counterfactual conditionals: counterfactual thoughts, perspectives, and emotionsAMLaP 2021, Paris [ViVo]A07Presentation
Schwab, Juliane; Liu, Mingya2021 Lexical variation in the illusory licensing of negative polarity items in GermanAMLaP 2021, Paris [ViVo]A07Presentation
Lüdeling, Anke; Lukassek, Julia2021 Zum Erwerb von Registerwissen bei Lerner:innen des Deutschen als Fremdsprache. Registerstudien in LernerkorporaColloquium Uni Gießen [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZInvited Talk
Lüdeling, Anke; Lukassek, Julia2021 Untersuchung von Registern in Texten von Lerner:innen des Deutschen als FremdspracheColloquium RWTH Aachen [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZInvited Talk
Lüdeling, Anke; Lukassek, Julia2021 Registerwissen und morphologische Struktur. Eine Studie zu komplexen Wörtern bei Lerner:innen des Deutschen als Fremdsprache und Muttersprachler:innenSPIGL [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZInvited Talk
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate2021 Register flexibility of first year studentsCRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2021 [ViVo]C05Presentation
Marklová, Anna2021 Vidět jazykem: Eye-tracking v lingvistickém výzkumuEvropský den jazyků 2021 [ViVo]A03Invited Talk
Lüdeling, Anke; Lange, Robert; Sell, Bianca Maria; Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine2021 The phonetic realisation of verbal inflection in two dialogue registers of German spontaneous speechKolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]C04, C05, C06, INF, ZPresentation
Mühlenbernd, Roland2021 The evolution of ambiguity in communication systemsProtolang 7, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf [ViVo]A05Presentation
Mühlenbernd, Roland2021 Politeness and reputationWorkshop on Oppressive Speech, Societies and Norms (Theme 3: Social Meaning & Semantics/Pragmatics of Harmful Speech), Berlin, Germany [ViVo]A05Invited Talk
Baumann, Andreas; Mühlenbernd, Roland2021 Population-level models of evolutionary pragmaticsEvolutionary Pragmatics Forum (virtual) [ViVo]A05Invited Talk
Pfeiffer, Roman2021 Hearing register variation: Sonification as an alternative to factor analysisKolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Temme, Anne; Renis, André2021 Python for Linguists (and Introduction to spaCy NLP)CRC/MGK Methodschool 2021 [ViVo]  [PDF]INF, MGKWorkshop
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie2021 Pragmatic Functions and Effects of Register Variation and Switch: a register approach to negation and polarityCRC Retreat 2021 – HU Berlin [ViVo]A07Presentation
Schulte, Britta2021 V3 Sentences in Namibian German – Register DifferencesKolloquium Netzwerk (deutsche) Sprachminderheiten [ViVo]C07Presentation
Schulte, Britta2021 "Bakkie" oder "Auto"? Registerdifferenzierung im NamdeutschenSeminar HU Institut für deustche Sprache und Lingusitik WiSe 2021/22  [ViVo]C07Course
Wiese, Heike; Sauermann, Antje; Schulte, Britta2021 Lexical vs. grammatical features in the perception of Namibian GermanGerman Abroad 4, Windhoek [ViVo]C07Presentation
Liu, Mingya; Schwab, Juliane2021 Attenuating NPIs in indicative vs. counterfactual conditionalsSinn und Bedeutung 26, University of Cologne [ViVo]A07Presentation
Goymann, Frank; Schütz, Johannes2021 Partizipien und Nebensätze im AltlettischenXIII International Congress of Balticists [ViVo]B02Presentation
Serova, Dina2021 Pain and punishment. New Perspectives on Selected Iconographic Motifs in Old Kingdom Tomb DecorationNinth European Conference of Egyptologists (ECE IX), Triest, zoom [ViVo]B03Presentation
Serova, Dina2021 Klassifikatoren in Bewegung. Eine Fallstudie zum Verb kfi/kfA 'entblößen; offenbaren; vertreiben; berauben; öffnen'16. Internationaler Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Semiotik (DGS): "Transformationen: Zeichen und ihre Obkjekte im Wandel", zoom [ViVo]B03Presentation
Slonim, Noam2021 Project Debater – how persuasive can a computer be?Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Solt, Stephanie2021 On the social meaning of (im)precision in contextWorkshop on Oppressive Speech, Societies and Norms (Theme 3: Social Meaning & Semantics/Pragmatics of Harmful Speech), Berlin, Germany [ViVo]A05Invited Talk
Chark, Jordan; Sauerland, Uli; Solt, Stephanie2021 Social meaning of indefinitesPsychosemantics Colloquium, Universität Potsdam [ViVo]A05, A10, MGKInvited Talk
Teich, Elke2021 Language variation and change – computational models of variety formationKolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Golcher, Felix; Temme, Anne2021 R MarkdownCRC/MGK Methodschool 2021 [ViVo]INF, MGKWorkshop
Saliger, Patrick; Temme, Anne2021 Introduction to INCEpTIONCRC/MGK Methodschool 2021 [ViVo]A01, MGKWorkshop
Beier, Phil; Unverzagt, Silke2021 Register dependent variation. Instructions in Notker’s Psalterium and the Revelations of St. Birgitta Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]B04Presentation
Vanhala, Otso2021 Verbal derivation patterns in the writings of VilentasXIII International Congress of Balticists [ViVo]B02Presentation
Veenstra, Tonjes2021 Rich Agreement in creoles and register-sensitivityInternational Conference on New Issues in Language Contact Studies , Università degli Studi dell’Aquila [ViVo]A02Presentation
Veenstra, Tonjes2021 Speakers’ Choices in Creole Contexts: The Mauritian CaseForschungskolloquium Romanistik, U. Hamburg [ViVo]A02Invited Talk
Veenstra, Tonjes2021 Tribute to Pieter MuyskenInternational Conference on New Issues in Language Contact Studies , Università degli Studi dell’Aquila [ViVo]A02Presentation
Veenstra, Tonjes2021 Register-sensitivity in creole grammarsSPCL Summer conference, INALCO Paris [ViVo]A02Presentation
Henri, Fabiola; Veenstra, Tonjes2021 Focus-sensitive Alternations in the Indian OceanLeibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft  [ViVo]A02Presentation
Meyerhoff, Miriam; Aru, Carol; Veenstra, Tonjes2021 Changes in plural marking in BislamaSociety for Pidgin and Creole Languages: virtual winter meeting [ViVo]A02, ZPresentation
Weiss, Zarah2021 An Integrative Approach to Linguistic Complexity Analysis for GermanKolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Wiese, Heike2021 How alien is it abroad? German in heritage and majority language settingsGerman Abroad 4, Windhoek [ViVo]C07Invited Talk
Wiese, Heike2021 Language Situations: A method to elicit comparable, naturalistic data across registers, languages, and speakersColloquium Østfold University College [ViVo]C07Presentation
de Fina, Anna2021 Storytelling from a narratives-as-practices perspectiveKolloquium SFB1412 (2021) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Jannedy, Stefanie; Brandt, Erika; Weirich, Melanie; Schüppenhauer, Gediminas2021 Phonetic Register Coding in Formal and Informal SpeechPhonetics and Phonology in Europe 2021 (PaPE) [ViVo]C02Conference Poster
Jannedy, Stefanie; Brandt, Erika; Schüppenhauer, Gediminas; Witt, Johannes; Weirich, Melanie2021 What Pauses tell us about RegisterPhonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P17) [ViVo]C02Conference Poster
Church, Kenneth; Kordoni, Valia2021 Emerging trends: Ethics, intimidation, and the Cold WarNatural Language Engineering [ViVo]A01Academic Article
Feulner, Anna Helene2021 Luther und die Register der altlitauischen GlaubensverkündigungLuthers Deutsch in Mittel- und Osteuropa [ViVo]B02Chapter
Kammerzell, Frank2021 Reading multimodal compositions from Early Dynastic Egypt (with an appendix on previously unlisted, reinterpreted or otherwise noteworthy signs)Keep Out! Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Cylinder Seals and Sealings in Context [ViVo]B03Academic Article
Lütke, Beate2021 Sprachliche Bildung, Mehrsprachigkeit, Deutsch als ZweitspracheDie Sprache in den Schulen - Eine Sprache im Werden. 3. Bericht zur Lage der deutschen Sprache der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung [ViVo]C05Chapter
Koch, Helena2021 Morphological Processes in Polari and Modern LGBTQ+ Slang on Twitter – A Comparative Register Analysis [ViVo]A01Thesis
Wiese, Heike; Bracke, Y.2021 Registerdifferenzierung im Namdeutschen: Informeller und formeller Sprachgebrauch in einer vitalen SprechergemeinschaftKontaktvarietäten des Deutschen im Ausland [ViVo]  [PDF]C07Academic Article
Plesca, Ana-Maria2021 Exploring the interplay between register and verb-argument structure across situation-formality contexts [ViVo]C03Thesis
Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia2021 The interaction between subject-verb agreement and register-situation formality congruence in German sentence processing: an eye-tracking-reading pilot study34th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing [ViVo]C03Abstract
Wiese, Heike2021 Communicative situations as a basis for linguistic systems: Integrating linguistic multi-competence with grammatical structureWorking Papers in Urban Language & Literacies [ViVo]  [PDF]C07Academic Article
Kutscher, Silvia2020 Multimodale graphische Kommunikation im pharaonischen Ägypten: Entwurf einer AnalysemethodeLingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language Studies [DOI] [ViVo]B03Academic Article
Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie; Schüppenhauer, Gediminas2020 The Social Meaning of Contextualized Sibilant Alternations in Berlin GermanFrontiers in Psychology [DOI] [ViVo]C02Academic Article
Baumgärtner, Alena2020 Chancenungleichheit durch akademisches Register. Zum Zusammenhang von Bildungsherkunft und sprachlicher Passung im Studium [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]C05Thesis
Egg, Markus2020 To those walking in the footsteps of the faithDrawing Attention to Metaphor: Case studies across time periods, cultures and modalities [DOI] [ViVo]A01Chapter
Di Biase-Dyson, Camilla; Egg, Markus2020 Drawing attention to metaphor: An introduction to the debateDrawing Attention to Metaphor: Case studies across time periods, cultures and modalities [DOI] [ViVo]A01Chapter
Veenstra, Tonjes2020 IntroductionAdvances in contact linguistics [DOI] [ViVo]A02Academic Article
Guescini, Rolf Borgen; Krause, Thomas; Odebrecht, Carolin; Schulz, Konstantin2020 Laudatio Repository - Long-term Access and Usage of Deeply Annotated Information Docker Images [DOI] [ViVo]INFSoftware
Sauerland, Uli; Alexiadou, Artemis2020 Generative Grammar: A Meaning First ApproachFrontiers in Psychology [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A05, A10, B01, MGK, ZAcademic Article
Lüdeling, Anke; Alexiadou, Artemis; Adli, Aria; Donhauser, Karin; Dreyer, Malte; Egg, Markus et al.2020 Register: Language Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional VariationREALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation [DOI] [ViVo]  [PDF]A01, A02, A03, A04, A05, A06, A10, B01, B02, B03, B04, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, INF, MGK, ZAcademic Article
Sauerland, Uli2020 Study to validate the SOLT as a measure of register [DOI] [ViVo]A05, MGKProtocol
Kutscher, Silvia; Döhl, Rebecca; Loebel, J.-M.2020 CaeMmCom - Corpus altaegyptischer multimodaler Communication. Der Aufbau einer multimodalen Datensammlung altägyptischer KommunikateZeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften [DOI] [ViVo]B03Academic Article
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Fritz-Huechante, Paola2020 Boundaries at playInterfaces in Romance [DOI] [ViVo]A04, A06, ZAcademic Article
Norde, Muriel; Beier, Phil2020 Registergenes och registerförändring i fornsvenskan – det Birgittinska materialetKollokviet för nordisk filologi (Institutionen för svenska och flerspråkighet Stockholms universitet) [ViVo]B04Invited Talk
Burnett, Heather2020 Identity construction and register variation in French “écriture inclusive” Kolloquium SFB1412 (2020) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Kibbey, Tyler2020 Phenomenological Anachronism and the Enregistrement of the Crusade Metaphor in ISIS Propaganda Kolloquium SFB1412 (2020) [ViVo]A01Presentation
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio2020 L4L – LaTeX for Linguists WorkshopMGK Integrated Graduate School – CRC 1412, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]A04, A06, ZPresentation
Neumann, Stella2020 A register variation perspective on varieties of EnglishKolloquium SFB1412 (2020) [ViVo]ZInvited Talk
Schnelle, Gohar2020 Identification of early Old High German registers by lexical features Kolloquium SFB1412 (2020) [ViVo]B04Presentation
Schäfer, Roland2020 Grammatische Variation zwischen Individuen und Situationen: Perspektiven für Linguistik und BildungsspracherwerbHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2020) [ViVo]A04Invited Talk
Serova, Dina2020 Tracing down register variation in the 'Journey of Wenamun'SFB 1412 Klausurtagung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [ViVo]B03Presentation
Golcher, Felix; Renis, André; Krause, Thomas; Temme, Anne2020 Working with corpora and corpus dataCRC/MGK Summerschool 2020 [ViVo]INF, MGKWorkshop
Adli, Aria; Lehmann, Nico; Mortezapour, Vahid; Verhoeven, Elisabeth2020 Cross-linguistic aspects of register variation: Creating a Lang*Reg Corpus Kolloquium SFB1412 (2020) [ViVo]A06Presentation
Schäfer, Roland; Bildhauer, Felix2020 Beyond Multidimensional Analysis: Probabilistic Register Induction for Large CorporaHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2020) [ViVo]A04Invited Talk
Ahrenholz, Bernt; Lütke, Beate; Geist, Barbara2020 Deutsch als Zweitsprache: Perspektiven auf Schule und Hochschule, Erwerb und Didaktik. Beiträge aus dem Workshop "Deutsch als Zweitsprache, Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit", 2017 [ViVo]C05Edited Book
Meyer, Roland2020 Die tschechischen Wenkerbögen: Deutsch und seine Kontaktsprachen in der Dokumentation der Wenker-MaterialienMinderheitensprachen und Sprachminderheiten [ViVo]A03Academic Article
Tikhonov, Aleksej; Meyer, Roland; Müller, K.2020 LiViTo: Linguistic and Visual features Tool for assisted analysis of historic manuscriptsProceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference [ViVo]A03Conference Paper
Szucsich, Luka2020 Burgenland Croatian as a Contact LanguageAreal Convergence in Eastern Central European Languages and Beyond [ViVo]A03Chapter
Szucsich, Luka2020 Die burgenlandkroatischen Wenkerbögen: Deutsch und seine Kontaktsprachen in der Dokumentation der Wenker-MaterialienMinderheitensprachen und Sprachminderheiten [ViVo]A03Academic Article
Buchmüller, Olga2020 Influence of a Speaker’s Visible Social Status on the Evaluation of Morphosyntax in Native Germans [ViVo]A03Thesis
Verhoeven, Elisabeth; Lehmann, Nico2018 Self-embedding and complexity in oral registersGlossa: a journal of general linguistics [DOI] [ViVo]A06Academic Article
Chark, Jordan Expressivity and situational variation: towards a linking hypothesisExpressivity: Variation and Change (DGfS 2025) [ViVo]A05, A10Presentation
Chark, Jordan Samspil kyns, stéttar og menntunar í útbreiðslu lokins horfs með búinn í íslenskum sendibréfum frá 19. öld [The interplay of gender, class and education in the propagation of the perfect with búinn in 19th-century Icelandic personal letters]38. Rask-ráðstefna Íslenska málfræðifélagsins [38th Rask conference of the Icelandic linguistics society] [ViVo]A05, A10Presentation
Egg, Markus Extended metaphors in dialogue8th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language, Klagenfurt [ViVo]A01Presentation
Egg, Markus Metaphors in religious language: a register perspectiveKolloquium SFB 1475 "Metaphern der Religion" [ViVo]A01Invited Talk
Egg, Markus Antonomasia: metonymical and metaphorical non-bare proper namesWorkshop ‘Non-bare proper nouns 2’, Mexico City [ViVo]A01Presentation
Schumacher, Nicole Language learning across the curriculum in university teacher trainingolloque international 'L'enseignement des langues dans une Europe multiculturelle: mutations géopolitiques, configurations identitaires et priorités didactiques', Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Deutsch-Französisches Forschungszentrum für Sozialwissenschaften [ViVo]C05Presentation