Authors |
Year |
Title |
Venue |
Links |
Projects |
Type |
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie | 2025 | Linguistic and Social Meaning Match: An experiment on modal concord in English | Experiments in Linguistic Meaning | [DOI] [ViVo] | A07 | Academic Article |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2025 | Less formal and more rebellious — An experiment on the social meaning of negative concord in American English | Negative Concord: A Hundred Years On | [DOI] [ViVo] | A07 | Chapter |
Lüdeling, Anke; Szucsich, Luka; Zeige, Lars Erik; Adli, Aria; Alexiadou, Artemis; Belz, Malte et al. | 2024 | Register: Language Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation Frame text of the Second Phase Proposal for the CRC 1412 | [DOI] [ViVo] | A01, A03, A04, A05, A06, A07, B01, B02, B03, B04, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, C07, INF, MGK, Z | Working Paper | |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2024 | A register approach to negative concord versus negative polarity items in English | Linguistics | [DOI] [ViVo] | A07 | Academic Article |
Weißgerber, Marie-Theres | 2024 | Schwa optionality in verbal inflection in German: the effects of stress and phonetic context | Proc. ISSP 2024 - 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, 59-62 | [DOI] [ViVo] | C06 | Conference Paper |
Schäfer, Roland | 2024 | Between syntax and morphology: German noun+verb units | Glossa: a journal of general linguistics | [DOI] [ViVo] | A04 | Academic Article |
Lange, Robert; Sell, Bianca Maria; Terada, Megumi; Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine; Lüdeling, Anke | 2024 | Schwa realisation in verbal inflection in two dialogue registers of German spontaneous speech | Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft | [DOI] [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Academic Article |
Kühnast, Milena; Lüdeling, Anke; Lütke, Beate; Schulz, Konstantin | 2024 | Development of basic reading skills in Latin: a corpus-based tool for computer-assisted fluency training | Cogent Education | [DOI] [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Academic Article |
Mühlenbernd, Roland | 2024 | How to use Evolutionary Game Theory to study evolutionary aspects of grammar | Enke, D. W. et al. (eds.). Language Change for the Worse. Language Science Press. | [DOI] [ViVo] | A05 | Academic Article |
Egg, Markus | 2024 | Extended metaphors | DGfS 2024 (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) | [ViVo] | A01 | Presentation |
Zeige, Lars Erik; Schnelle, Gohar; Fleischer, Jürg | 2024 | Register als variationsgrammatische Kategorie: Korpusbasierte Registermodellierung in den Werken Otfrids von Weißenburg und Martin Luthers | 16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Germanistische Sprachgeschichte | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Zeige, Lars Erik; Schnelle, Gohar; Fleischer, Jürg | 2024 | Die Abfolge der verbalen Teile bei Martin Luther: Eine Korpusuntersuchung zum individuellen Sprachgebrauch | 16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Germanistische Sprachgeschichte | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2024 | Semantic and Social Meaning Match: experiments on modal concord in US English | ELM - Experiments in Linugistic Meaning | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Schumacher, Nicole; Hirschmann , Hagen; Lüdeling, Anke | 2024 | Stand Falko-Korpus. Auswertungen zum Nominalstil | Kolloquium Korpuslinguistik und Phonetik (SoSe 2024), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Presentation |
Lütke, Beate | 2024 | Sprache und Fach - Entwicklungen und (Forschungs-)Tendenzen (Keynote) | Symposium, Zusammen:gedacht – Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Literalität und Schreiben in Deutsch im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit' | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Lütke, Beate | 2024 | Language learning across the curriculum in university teacher training | Colloque international 'L'enseignement des langues dans une Europe multiculturelle: mutations géopolitiques, configurations identitaires et priorités didactiques', Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Deutsch-Französisches Forschungszentrum für Sozialwissenschaften | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Lütke, Beate | 2024 | Consideration of Multilingualism in Inclusive Academic Language Teaching (Keynote) | Intercultural Learning Week, Projekt 'Humboldt International Teacher Training', Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate | 2024 | Kommunikanten-Pronomen als Mittel der situierten Variation in Erklärungen | DGfS 2024 (Ruhr-Universität Bochum). AG 3 | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Schumacher, Nicole; Lütke, Beate | 2024 | Why and how the multilingual resources of immigrant students should be recognised in education. Multilingualism didactics and German as a second language | Colloque international 'L'enseignement des langues dans une Europe multiculturelle: mutations géopolitiques, configurations identitaires et priorités didactiques', Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Deutsch-Französisches Forschungszentrum für Sozialwissenschaften | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Varaschin, Giuseppe; Lu, Yanru; Machicao y Priemer, Antonio | 2024 | Topic drop in German: Grammar and usage | HPSG 2024 - The 31st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Presentation |
Mühlenbernd, Roland | 2024 | Modeling pragmatic choices and their social meanings: A case study of (im)precision | Leibniz MMS Days 2024, Leibniz Institute for Composite Materials, Kaiserslautern, Germany | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Mühlenbernd, Roland | 2024 | Social meaning and pragmatic reasoning: The case of (im)precision | ELM - Experiments in Linugistic Meaning | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Solt, Stephanie; Mühlenbernd, Roland | 2024 | Social meaning and pragmatic reasoning: A case study on (im)precision | Sinn und Bedeutung 29, Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale, Noto, Italy | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Lütke, Beate; Schumacher, Nicole | 2024 | Variation und Flexibilität: Wie erwerben junge Erwachsene akademische Register? | "Linguistische Forschung zu Register an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin" der Stiftung Humboldt-Universität | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Solt, Stephanie | 2024 | On the pragmatic derivation of social meaning | CAT Lab, University of Cyprus | [ViVo] | A05 | Invited Talk |
Solt, Stephanie | 2024 | Pragmatic reasoning and social meaning: The case of (im)precision | SMIC Workshop, Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, Université de Paris | [ViVo] | A05 | Invited Talk |
Baumann, Andreas; Matzinger, Theresa; Mühlenbernd, Roland; Wacewicz, Slawomir; Pleyer, Michael; Hartmann, Stefan et al. | 2024 | The role of linguistically encoded emotional characteristics for cooperativeness in a one-shot prisoner's dilemma | The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference (EVOLANG XV) | [ViVo] | A05 | Conference Paper |
Betz, Simon; Belz, Malte; Lüdeling, Anke; Mooshammer, Christine | 2024 | Schweigen is something different than pause or deliberate silence | P&P 20. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Speech |
Ebert, Melissa; Lange, Robert; Weißgerber, Marie-Theres; Belz, Malte; Lüdeling, Anke; Mooshammer, Christine | 2024 | Register. Realisation of schwa and word‑final /t d/ | Inter-CRC-Meeting on “Face to Face Interaction”, University of Cologne | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Speech |
Ebert, Melissa; Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine | 2024 | Variation in word-final [t]-realisation in formal and informal register of spoken German | P&P 20. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | [ViVo] | C06 | Conference Poster |
Weißgerber, Marie-Theres; Belz, Malte; Lüdeling, Anke; Mooshammer, Christine | 2024 | The realisation of German indefinite articles in formal and informal spontaneous speech | P&P 20. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Conference Poster |
Mooshammer, Christine; Weißgerber, Marie-Theres; Lange, Robert | 2024 | Schwa optionality in spontaneous speech in German: A meta-study of verbal inflection in three corpora. | Nineteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology | [ViVo] | C06 | Conference Paper |
Lütke, Beate | 2024 | Erklären im Deutschunterricht – Registerfähigkeiten angehender Lehrkräfte | [ViVo] | C05 | Contribution in Edited volume | |
Lütke, Beate | 2024 | Erklären im Deutschunterricht – Registerfähigkeiten angehender Lehrkräfte | [ViVo] | C05 | Teil eines Sammelwerks | |
Saunders, Constanze; Lütke, Beate | 2024 | Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol/SIOP | Berufs- und Fachsprache Deutsch in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Ein Handbuch aus DaF- und DaZ-Perspektive | [ViVo] | C05 | Chapter |
Schumacher, Nicole; Lütke, Beate | 2024 | Lernerseitige Faktoren und Perspektiven | Berufs- und Fachsprache Deutsch in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Ein Handbuch aus DaF- und DaZ-Perspektive | [ViVo] | C05 | Chapter |
Solt, Stephanie | 2024 | Not very easy: Towards the unification of scalar implicature and understatement | SALT 33 | [ViVo] | A05 | Conference Paper |
Weißgerber, Marie-Theres | 2024 | Schwa optionality in verbal inflection in German: the effects of stress and phonetic context | ISSP: 13th International Seminar on Speech Production. | [ViVo] | C06 | Conference Poster |
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Maquate, Katja; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia | 2024 | Register and morphosyntactic congruence during sentence processing in German: An eye-tracking study | Acta Psychologica | [ViVo] | C03 | Academic Article |
Alexiadou, Artemis | 2024 | Double plural marking and the building blocks of nominals | Glossa: a journal of general linguistics | [ViVo] | B01, Z | Academic Article |
Maquate, Katja; Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Ioannidou-Tsiomou, Angelina; Knoeferle, Pia | 2024 | Age differences in spoken language comprehension: verb-argument and formality-register congruence influence real-time sentence processing | Discourse Processes | [ViVo] | C03 | Academic Article |
Adli, Aria; Verhoeven, Elisabeth; Lehmann, Nico; Mortezapour, Vahid; Vander Klok, Jozina | 2023 | Lang*Reg: A multi-lingual corpus of intra-individual variation across situations | [DOI] [ViVo] | A06 | Corpus | |
Lüdeling, Anke; Lukassek, Julia; Akbari, Roodabeh | 2023 | Guidelines for the Morphological Annotation of Nouns in the Falko Learner Corpus | REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Academic Article |
Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Bernau, Natalie; Jannedy, Stefanie | 2023 | Eliciting phonetic register variation via app | 19. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) | [DOI] [ViVo] | C02 | Conference Poster |
Vanhala, Otso; Thies, Felix | 2023 | The grammatically annotated corpus of the pericopes of the Old Lithuanian Postil of Jonas Bretkūnas | [DOI] [ViVo] | B02 | Corpus | |
Goymann, Frank | 2023 | A Grammatically Annotated Corpus of the Old Latvian Postil of Georg Mancelius | [DOI] [ViVo] | B02 | Corpus | |
Beier, Phil; Schnelle, Gohar; Unverzagt, Silke; Norde, Muriel; Zeige, Lars Erik | 2023 | BiNoKo V. 1.0 Birgitta-Notker-Korpus | [DOI] [ViVo] | B04 | Corpus | |
Müller, Stefan | 2023 | Germanic Syntax: A Constraint-Based View | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A04 | Book | |
Müller, Stefan | 2023 | Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. Fifth revised edition | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A04 | Book | |
Liu, Mingya; Schwab, Juliane; Hess, Ursula | 2023 | Language and Face in Interactions: emotion perception, social meanings and communicative intentions | Frontiers in Psychology | [DOI] [ViVo] | A07 | Academic Article |
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Serova, Dina; Lukassek, Julia; Sauermann, Antje; Schäfer, Roland; Adli, Aria et al. | 2023 | Situating language register across the ages, languages, modalities, and cultural aspects: Evidence from complementary methods | Frontiers in Psychology | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A01, A04, A05, A06, A07, B03, B04, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, C07, INF, MGK, Z | Academic Article |
Jannedy, Stefanie; Duran, Daniel | 2023 | Register differences in ÄH-ÄHM filler particles? | DiSS Workshop 2023 (Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech) | [DOI] [ViVo] | C02 | Conference Paper |
Krause, Thomas | 2023 | Hexatomic: An extensible, OS-independent platform for deep multi-layer linguistic annotation of corpora | Journal of Open Source Software | [DOI] [ViVo] | INF | Academic Article |
Lehmann, Nico; Serova, Dina; Lukassek, Julia; Döring, Sophia; Goymann, Frank; Lüdeling, Anke et al. | 2023 | Guidelines for the annotation of parameters of narration. | REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A06, B02, B03, C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Academic Article |
Beier, Phil; Schnelle, Gohar; Unverzagt, Silke; Norde, Muriel; Zeige, Lars Erik | 2023 | Guidelines for the Birgitta-Notker-Korpus (BiNoKo) | REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation | [DOI] [ViVo] | B04 | Academic Article |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2023 | Interlocutor relation predicts the formality of the conversation: An experiment in American and British English | REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation | [DOI] [ViVo] | A07 | Academic Article |
Schnelle, Gohar; Hennig, Mathilde; Odebrecht, Carolin; Lüdeling, Anke | 2023 | Historische Korpora in sprachhistorisch orientierter germanistischer Hochschullehre | Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur | [DOI] [ViVo] | B04, C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Academic Article |
Belz, Malte; Ebert, Melissa; Müller, Miriam; Sun, Jianqi; Terada, Megumi; Xia, Qiang | 2023 | Einfluss videobasierter Kommunikation (Zoom) auf die Vokalqualität | P&P 18. Universität Bielefeld | [DOI] [ViVo] | C06 | Academic Article |
Belz, Malte; Ebert, Melissa; Müller, Miriam; Sun, Jianqi; Terada, Megumi; Xia, Qiang | 2023 | Reduced vowel space in video conferences via Zoom: Evidence from read speech | JASA Express Letters | [DOI] [ViVo] | C06 | Academic Article |
Aznar, Jocelyn | 2023 | The unexpected relationship between direct speech and singing: from a descriptive perspective to a cross-linguistic exploration | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) | [ViVo] | A02 | Invited Talk |
Burnett, Heather | 2023 | Analyzing Linguistic Variation Using Discursive Worlds | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Chark, Jordan | 2023 | Situational biases in diachrony: how register distinctions emerge | Formal Diachronic Semantics (FoDS) 7 | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Chark, Jordan | 2023 | Discourse structure and the reorganisation of the Icelandic aspectual system | Discourse Structure and Narration: A Diachronic View from Germanic | [ViVo] | A05 | Invited Talk |
Egg, Markus | 2023 | Metaphors as register markers | 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea | [ViVo] | A01 | Presentation |
Egg, Markus | 2023 | What metaphors don’t say: register marking via metaphors | What words don’t say: Intercultural, cross-cultural and societal aspects of (in)direct communication, Università della Calabria | [ViVo] | A01 | Presentation |
Egg, Markus | 2023 | Metaphor and metonymy as markers of register variation | New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 51 | [ViVo] | A01 | Presentation |
Zeige, Lars Erik; Fleischer, Jürg | 2023 | Register bei Martin Luther: Attributiver Genitiv und Verbcluster | Sprachhistorisches Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2023) | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Haig, Geoffrey | 2023 | Which domains of morphosyntax are sensitive to register variation? Thoughts from Iranian languages. | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2023) | [ViVo] | A06, Z | Presentation |
Riedel, Alexandra; Hülk, Kristina | 2023 | Abgrenzen und Einladen - Funktionale Gestaltungsaspekte der königlichen Pyramidenfriedhöfe in Meroe, Sudan | Tagung des Forschungsclusters "Religion-Gesellschaft-Individuum" des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts zum Thema "Kontrolle Sakraler und Sepulkraler Räume", Athen | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Jannedy, Stefanie | 2023 | Sprachexterne Faktoren haben Einfluss auf die Sprache: welche, wie und warum | Kiel Linguistik Kolloquium | [ViVo] | C02 | Invited Talk |
Liu, Mingya | 2023 | Sociolinguistics | Seminar HU Institut für deutsche Sprache und Lingusitik WiSe 2022/23 | [ViVo] | A07 | Course |
Liu, Mingya | 2023 | Research Methods | Seminar HU Institut für deutsche Sprache und Lingusitik WiSe 2022/23 | [ViVo] | A07 | Course |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2023 | An experimental study on social meanings of negative concord in English | CARLA 2023, Montréal (QC), Canada | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2023 | Individual differences in the perception of negative concord in American English | IndiPRAG, Saarbrücken Germany | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2023 | An experimental study on social meanings of negative concord in English | AmLaP 2023, Donostia–San Sebastián | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2023 | Social meaning of negative concord and modal concord in American English | xpragx, Paris, France | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2023 | Social meaning of negative concord in American English | Workshop on “Language in Social Interaction” at the University of Wuppertal | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Lüdeling, Anke | 2023 | Registers and Individual Differences in Heritage Data | Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 14), Flensburg | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Invited Talk |
Lütke, Beate | 2023 | Bildungssprache und Registergebrauch | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate | 2023 | Entwicklung der Registerflexibilität im akademischen Kontext – zum Aufbau des ReFlexAE-Korpus | Herder-Institut, Universität Leipzig | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Matras, Yaron | 2023 | Angloromani: Mixed Language or Register? | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
McCread, Elin | 2023 | Elin McCready – Varieties of Register | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Morris, Dan | 2023 | Register and the Development of Comparative and Superlative Alternation in Historical English | Colloque Bisannuel de Diachronie de l’Anglais/Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English (CBDA-7) | [ViVo] | B01 | Presentation |
Mühlenbernd, Roland | 2023 | Modeling imprecision in context | Wiener Sprachgesellschaft. University of Vienna. | [ViVo] | A05 | Invited Talk |
Solt, Stephanie; Mühlenbernd, Roland | 2023 | Social meaning of (im)precision: Testing a pragmatic approach | Social Meaning Berlin 2023 | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie | 2023 | An experimental study on social meanings of modal concord in English | AmLaP 2023, Donostia–San Sebastián | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Saab, Andrés | 2023 | Honoring and insulting in the syntax and beyond | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Sailer, Manfred | 2023 | Explicit or redundant: The social meaning of multiple exponence | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2023) | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Invited Talk |
Sailer, Manfred | 2023 | Explicit or redundant: The social meaning of multiple exponence | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Invited Talk |
Terada, Megumi; Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine; Sell, Bianca Maria | 2023 | Acoustic measures of non-native addressee register for mid to high proficient English learners of German | International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague Congress Center | [ViVo] | C06 | Presentation |
Sharoff, Serge | 2023 | Genres, registers and text functions | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Solt, Stephanie | 2023 | Not very easy: towards the unification of scalar implicature & understatement | The 33rd meeting of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 33), Yale Uiversity, New Haven | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Varaschin, Giuseppe | 2023 | Agreement in Brazilian Portuguese: A case of Register Variation | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2023) | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Presentation |
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Varaschin, Giuseppe | 2023 | Variation and Usage Preferences: The Case of First-Person Plural in Brazilian Portuguese | Internal and external pressures shaping language | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Presentation |
Wan, Shujun | 2023 | Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss: wie werden sie in L1- und L2-Texten rhetorisch aufgebaut? - Eine korpusbasierte kontrastive Studie | 浙江大学 (Zhejiang Universität, China) | [ViVo] | C04 | Invited Talk |
Xia, Qiang | 2023 | Qiang Xia – Turn-taking in face-to-face and Zoom conversations. | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) | [ViVo] | C06 | Invited Talk |
Xia, Qiang | 2023 | Temporal aspects of turn-taking in zoom conversations | International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague Congress Center | [ViVo] | C06 | Presentation |
Xia, Qiang | 2023 | How does turn-taking behavior affect conversational interactivity? | Language in Social Interaction—International Workshop. Bergische Universität Wuppertal | [ViVo] | C06 | Presentation |
Krause, Thomas | 2023 | The four elements of achieving research software sustainability for long tail projects | deRSE23 - Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany | [ViVo] | INF | Presentation |
Schnelle, Gohar; Roth, Theresa | 2023 | Evidential Strategies in Ancient vs. Early Modern Medical Discourse | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) | [ViVo] | B04 | Invited Talk |
Schnelle, Gohar; Serova, Dina | 2023 | Poster session of the participants of the Berlin University Alliance X-Student Research Group ‘Berlin epitaphs as source for historical register research’ | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2023) | [ViVo] | B03, B04 | Presentation |
Beier, Phil; Schnelle, Gohar; Unverzagt, Silke | 2023 | Intra-writer variation in Old High German and Old Swedish: The impact of social role relationship on constructing instructions | Intra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics | [ViVo] | B04 | Chapter |
Belz, Malte; Sell, Bianca Maria; Lange, Robert; Mooshammer, Christine; Lüdeling, Anke | 2023 | BeDiaCo (L1-L1) und CoNNAR (L1-L1/L2). Freie und aufgabenorientierte spontansprachliche Dialoge in direkter und videobasierter Kommunikation | Neue Entwicklungen in der Korpuslandschaft der Germanistik. | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Chapter |
Terada, Megumi; Sell, Bianca Maria; Lange, Robert; Müller, Miriam; Belz, Malte | 2023 | Documentation and annotation guidelines of CoNNAR Version 1 | REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation | [ViVo] | C06 | Academic Article |
Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine; Sell, Bianca Maria; Terada, Megumi | 2023 | Acoustic measures of non-native addressee register for mid to high proficient English learners of German | International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague Congress Center | [ViVo] | C06 | Conference Paper |
Weber, Thilo; Bildhauer, Felix; Münzberg, Franziska | 2023 | Finite vs. infinite Attributsätze: zu/dass-Alternation bei Substantiven | Fugenelemente, Präfix-und Partikelverben, Attributsätze | [ViVo] | A04 | Chapter |
Varaschin, Giuseppe; Culicover, Peter W.; Winkler, Susanne | 2023 | In pursuit of Condition C: (Non-)coreference in grammar, discourse and processing | Information Structure and Discourse in Generative Grammar | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Chapter |
Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie | 2023 | Eliciting phonetic register variation via app | Phonetik & Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P) | [ViVo] | C02 | Conference Paper |
Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie | 2023 | Experimental assessment of intra-individual stylistic variation in fine phonetic detail | [ViVo] | C02 | Academic Article | |
Koch, Helena; Egg, Markus | 2023 | Morphologische Prozesse in Polari und modernem LGBTQ+-Slang auf Twitter – Eine vergleichende Registeranalyse | Jahrbuch der Berliner Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft | [ViVo] | A01 | Academic Article |
Egg, Markus; Kordoni, Valia | 2023 | A corpus of metaphors as register markers | EACL 2023 | [ViVo] | A01 | Conference Paper |
Feulner, Anna Helene; Goymann, Frank; Hock, Wolfgang; Vanhala, Otso | 2023 | Register im älteren Baltischen: Die Postillen des Altlitauischen und Altlettischen | Archivum Lithuanicum | [ViVo] | B02 | Academic Article |
Serova, Dina; Hutter, K. | 2023 | "Erzählte Räume" in nicht-narrativen Texten am Beispiel von PT 412 (Forthcoming) | Egyptological Perspectives on Key Issues of Historical Narratology | [ViVo] | B03 | Academic Article |
Ihden, Sarah; Schnelle, Gohar; Schröder, Ingrid; Zeige, Lars Erik | 2023 | Der Verbund ‚Deutsch Diachron Digital. Referenzkorpora zur deutschen Sprachgeschichte' | Neue Entwicklungen in der Korpuslandschaft der Germanistik. | [ViVo] | B04 | Chapter |
Jannedy, Stefanie; Weirich, Melanie | 2023 | Plapper – a smartphone app for self recording: Exploration of Vowel-Spaces | Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2023 (PaPE) | [ViVo] | C02 | Conference Poster |
Lange, Robert | 2023 | TierTagger (Version 0.9) | [ViVo] | C06 | Software | |
Lüdeling, Anke; Mooshammer, Christine; Lange, Robert; Sell, Bianca Maria; Terada, Megumi | 2023 | Corpus of Non-Native Addressee Register (CoNNAR). Version 1 | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Corpus | |
Schwab, Juliane; Mueller, Jutta L.; Liu, Mingya | 2023 | Dimensions of variation in sentence comprehension: A case study on understating negative polarity items in German | Linguistische Berichte | [ViVo] | A07 | Academic Article |
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie | 2023 | Modal concord in American and British English: A register-based experimental study | Proceedings of the 58th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS58), University of Chicago | [ViVo] | A07 | Academic Article |
Peyer, Ann; Lütke, Beate | 2023 | Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven auf implizites und explizites Sprachwissen im Deutschunterricht - ein Überblick. | Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée (VALS/ASLA) | [ViVo] | C05 | Academic Article |
Lütke, Beate; Rödel, Laura | 2023 | Fachunterricht und Sprachbewusstheit | Sprachbewusstheit | [ViVo] | C05 | Chapter |
Meyer, Roland | 2023 | Control Constructions | Grenoble, L. et al. (eds.): Brill’s Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics | [ViVo] | A03 | Academic Article |
Meyer, Roland | 2023 | Raising Contstructions | Grenoble, L. et al. (eds.): Brill’s Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics | [ViVo] | A03 | Academic Article |
Meyer, Roland | 2023 | Detecting Authorship, Hands, and Corrections in Historical Manuscripts. A Mixed-Methods Approach Towards the Unpublished Writings of an 18th Century Czech Emigré Community in Berlin | Schneider, B. et al. (eds.). Mixed Methods in the Humanities. Digital Humanities Research, transcript. | [ViVo] | A03 | Academic Article |
Serova, Dina | 2023 | Problematizing linguistic variation in the Coffin Texts: A case-study on spell CT 335 (forthcoming) | Variability in the Earlier Egyptian Mortuary Texts and related materials | [ViVo] | B03 | Academic Article |
Terada, Megumi | 2023 | Indirect effect of orthographic form on phonetic realisation in L2 German: A Corpus study of inflectional endings in spontaneous speech | EuroSLA 32. University of Birmingham | [ViVo] | C06 | Conference Poster |
Varaschin, Giuseppe | 2023 | LFG and Simpler Syntax | Handbook of Lexical Functional Grammar | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Chapter |
Wiese, Heike | 2023 | Grammatical Systems without Language Borders: Lessons from Free-Range-Languages | [ViVo] | C07 | Book | |
Xia, Qiang | 2023 | Eine phonetische Analyse der Modalpartikel Ja in deutscher Alltagskommunikation | P&P 18. Universität Bielefeld | [ViVo] | C06 | Conference Poster |
Vanhala, Otso | 2023 | Momentaneous derived verbs in Vilentas’s texts | Linguistica Lettica | [ViVo] | B02 | Academic Article |
Sauermann, Antje; Schulte, Britta; Wiese, Heike | 2023 | Sprachkontakt in Namibia: Registerdifferenzierung im Namdeutschen | Deutsch im Kontakt | [ViVo] | C07 | Chapter |
Plesca, Ana-Maria; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2023 | Examining register and semantic verb-argument congruence effects: An eye-tracking reading study | AMLaP 2023 | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Maquate, Katja; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia | 2023 | Investigating the real-time processing of register in spoken language comprehension | AMLaP 2023 | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Maquate, Katja; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia | 2023 | On the unfolding of formality-register and morphosyntactic congruence effects in sentence processing: An eye-tracking study. | AMLaP 2023 | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Schütz, Johannes | 2023 | ToolboxTools | [ViVo] | B02 | Software publication | |
Maquate, Katja; Buchmüller, Olga; Reul, Guendalina; Tanis-Cosgun, Esma; Knoeferle, Pia | 2023 | Situational-functional settings affect evaluation of linguistic register | AMLaP 2023 | [ViVo] | A03, C03 | Abstract |
Veenstra, Tonjes; Krifka, Manfred; Akbari, Roodabeh; Buchmüller, Olga; Chark, Jordan; Döring, Sophia et al. | 2023 | Podcast: Sprachen aus dem Schnellkochtopf: Register in Kreols (Teil 1) | [ViVo] | A02, A03, A05, C04, INF, Z | Audio Document | |
Marklová, Anna; Buchmüller, Olga; Demian, Christoph; Meyer, Roland; Szucsich, Luka | 2023 | Register in Czech: Designing an MDA-based experimental study | Linguistics Beyond And Within | [ViVo] [PDF] | A03 | Academic Article |
Goymann, Frank; Schütz, Johannes | 2023 | Perfekt und Nebensätze im Altlettischen | Linguistica Lettica | [ViVo] | B02 | Academic Article |
Lüdeling, Anke; Akbari, Roodabeh; Buchmüller, Olga; Chark, Jordan; Döring, Sophia; Golcher, Felix et al. | 2023 | Podcast: Was ist ein Register? | [ViVo] | A03, A05, C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Audio Document | |
Duran, Daniel; Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie | 2023 | Assessing register variation in local speech rate | International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague Congress Center | [ViVo] | C02 | Conference Paper |
Wan, Shujun | 2022 | Kobalt_RST: Die Annotation von rhetorischen Strukturen im Kobalt-DaF-Korpus | [DOI] [ViVo] | C04 | Corpus | |
Wan, Shujun | 2022 | Zur Positionierung der eigenen Meinung und der Verwendung von Appellen in argumentativen Texten: Chinesische DaF-Lerner/-innen, L1-Sprecher/-innen des Deutschen und chinesische EFL-Lerner/-innen im Vergleich | Deutsch als Fremdsprache | [DOI] [ViVo] | C04 | Academic Article |
Lehmann, Nico; Verhoeven, Elisabeth | 2022 | Discourse-Independent Variation in V-Initial Constituent Order: The Yucatec Mayan Preverbal Domain Revisited | ProcLingEvi2020, Universität Tübingen | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A06 | Academic Article |
Sell, Bianca Maria; Belz, Malte | 2022 | Picture materials of anthropomorphic animals for the use in speech production and perception experiments | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | C06 | Dataset | |
Sell, Bianca Maria; Oliviera, Maggie Bullock | 2022 | PDF and PSD files of DiapixGEtv picture materials – German version adapted to elicit tense vowels | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | C06 | Dataset | |
Wiese, Heike; Sauermann, Antje; Bracke, Y. | 2022 | Coherence and language contact | The Coherence of Linguistic Communities Orderly Heterogeneity and Social Meaning | [DOI] [ViVo] | C07 | Chapter |
Wisniewski, Katrin; Lüdeling, Anke; Czinglar, Christine | 2022 | Zu Umgang mit Variation in der Lernersprachenanalyse. Perspektiven aus und für DaF/DaZ | Deutsch als Fremdsprache | [DOI] [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Academic Article |
Oikonomou, Despina; Rizou, Vasiliki; Bondarenko, Daniil; Özsoy, Onur; Alexiadou, Artemis | 2022 | Scalar and Counterfactual Approximatives: Investigating Heritage Greek in the USA and Germany | Languages | [DOI] [ViVo] | B01, Z | Academic Article |
Mühlenbernd, Roland; Wacewicz, Slawomir; Zywiczyński, Przemyslaw | 2022 | The evolution of ambiguity in sender—receiver signaling games | Games | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A05 | Academic Article |
Schwab, Juliane; Liu, Mingya | 2022 | Processing Attenuating NPIs in Indicative and Counterfactual Conditionals | Frontiers in Psychology | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A07 | Academic Article |
Wiese, Heike; Alexiadou, Artemis; Shanley, Allen; Bunk, Oliver; Gagarina, Natalia; Iefremenko, Kateryna et al. | 2022 | Heritage Speakers as Part of the Native Language Continuum | Frontiers in Psychology | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A03, B01, C04, C07, Z | Academic Article |
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate | 2022 | Fachsprachliche Kompetenzentwicklung bei Grundschullehramtsstudierenden – metasprachliches Wissen und Registerflexibilität | Aufmerksamkeitslenkung und Bewusstmachung in der Sprachvermittlung. Kognitive und didaktische Perspektiven auf Deutsch als Erst-, Zweit- und Fremdsprache | [DOI] [ViVo] | C05 | Chapter |
Szucsich, Luka | 2022 | Slavic languages are Type 3 languages: replies | Theoretical Linguistics | [DOI] [ViVo] | A03 | Academic Article |
Haider, Hubert; Szucsich, Luka | 2022 | Slavic languages – “SVO” languages without SVO qualities? | Theoretical Linguistics | [DOI] [ViVo] | A03 | Academic Article |
Mühlenbernd, Roland; Solt, Stephanie | 2022 | Modeling (im)precision in context | Linguistics Vanguard | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A05 | Academic Article |
Baumgärtner, Alena | 2022 | Sprachlicher Habitus und Registerforschung ― Bourdieus Sprachsoziologie im Kontext der Untersuchung akademischer Bildungssprache | Bourdieu in der Germanistik | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | C05 | Chapter |
Beltrama, Andrea; Solt, Stephanie; Burnett, Heather | 2022 | Context, precision, and social perception: A sociopragmatic study | Language in Society | [DOI] [ViVo] | A05, Z | Academic Article |
Sauerland, Uli | 2022 | Quantifying the Register of German Quantificational Expressions: A Corpus-Based Study | Measurements, Numerals and Scales | [DOI] [ViVo] | A05, MGK | Academic Article |
Engel, Eric; Adli, Aria | 2022 | Complexity and fluency at the end of the life span | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | A06, Z | Presentation |
Liu, Mingya; Adli, Aria | 2022 | External Factors | CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A06, A07 | Presentation |
Liu, Mingya; Adli, Aria | 2022 | External factors under investigation | CRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A06, A07 | Presentation |
Karkaletsou, Fenia; Malta, Izabella R.; McFadden, Thomas; Morris, Dan; Spathas, Giorgos; Alexiadou, Artemis | 2022 | Towards a unified mechanism for the diachronic development of periphrastic alternations | Diachronic Generative Syntax (DiGS) 23 | [ViVo] | B01, Z | Presentation |
Karkaletsou, Fenia; Oikonomou, Despina; Alexiadou, Artemis | 2022 | Double comparatives are more stronger! Evidence from Greek | 15th International Conference on Greek Linguistics | [ViVo] | B01, Z | Presentation |
Sauermann, Antje; Verhoeven, Elisabeth; Meyer, Roland; Lütke, Beate; Alexiadou, Artemis | 2022 | Multilingualism | CRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A03, A06, B01, C05, C07, Z | Presentation |
Beier, Phil | 2022 | Expressions of modality in Germanic: Competition and change | Expressions of modality in Germanic: Competition and change, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | B04 | Workshop |
Beier, Phil | 2022 | Register im Altschwedischen? Heliga Birgittas Uppenbarelser | Lingvistisk lördag, ISFAS, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | [ViVo] | B04 | Invited Talk |
Beier, Phil | 2022 | Registers in St. Birgitta's Revelations | OXBER-Summer School: Medialität / (Re-)Mediation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Beier, Phil | 2022 | Altschwedisch für Laien. Registeranalyse in Birgittas Offenbarungen | 17. Überregionale Promovierendentagung der Skandinavistik, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Beier, Phil | 2022 | Register in den Offenbarungen der Heiligen Birgitta von Schweden | 25. ATdS, LMU München | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Beier, Phil | 2022 | Two perspectives on studying register in St Birgitta's revelations | NECRON - Network of Early Career Researchers in Old Norse, Stockholms Universitet | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Norde, Muriel; Beier, Phil | 2022 | Modal constructions in Old Swedish legal and religious texts | Expressions of modality in Germanic: Competition and change, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Norde, Muriel; Beier, Phil | 2022 | Modelling modal meaning: Directivity in Old Swedish religious prose | 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Oxford | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Buchmüller, Olga | 2022 | Presentation in the framework of the seminar: Ausgewählte Sprachphänomene des Ukrainischen - Multilingualismus in der Ukraine. | Seminar HU Slawistik BA WiSe 2021/2022 | [ViVo] | A03 | Presentation |
Buchmüller, Olga | 2022 | Presentation in the framework of the seminar: Sprache und Intuition. Sprachphänomene im deutsch-slawischen Vergleich erschließen: Methoden der Korpuslinguistik. | Seminar HU Slawistik BA SoSe 2022 | [ViVo] | A03 | Course |
Buchmüller, Olga | 2022 | Presentation in the framework of the seminar: Sprache und Intuition. Sprachphänomene im deutsch-slawischen Vergleich erschließen: Experimentelles Arbeiten | Seminar HU Slawistik BA SoSe 2022 | [ViVo] | A03 | Course |
Demian, Christoph; Szucsich, Luka; Meyer, Roland; Buchmüller, Olga | 2022 | Syntactic complexity across registers in Russian | Grammar and Corpora (GaC) | [ViVo] | A03 | Presentation |
Marklová, Anna; Buchmüller, Olga | 2022 | Register investigation on Czech: Designing an MDA-based experimental study | Linguistic CRC Meetup 2022 | [ViVo] | A03 | Presentation |
Chark, Jordan | 2022 | A perfect-like stative: On Icelandic búinn að and pragmatic competition in the aspectual domain | Sinn und Bedeutung 27, Charles University | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Chark, Jordan | 2022 | Subordinate Contexts Can Be Innovative: Evidence from the History of Icelandic | International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL25) | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Lehmann, Nico; Lukassek, Julia; Serova, Dina; Döring, Sophia | 2022 | On Narration | CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A06, B03, C04, Z | Presentation |
Egg, Markus | 2022 | A corpus annotated for metaphor in German | DGfS 2022, University of Tübingen | [ViVo] | A01 | Presentation |
Egg, Markus | 2022 | Metaphor annotation for German | LREC 2022, Marseille | [ViVo] | A01 | Presentation |
Egg, Markus | 2022 | Register, genre, style, and all that | CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A01 | Presentation |
Egg, Markus | 2022 | Metaphors as register markers | Metaphors and stance markers in register variation (MeStaR) | [ViVo] | A01 | Presentation |
Farokhnejad, Zahra | 2022 | A general outlook of Kurdish register data: focusing on Code-switching and post-predicate constituents | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2022) | [ViVo] | A06 | Presentation |
Abishek, Stephen; Farokhnejad, Zahra | 2022 | CRC fellows present their research projects | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | A06, C04, MGK | Presentation |
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie; Giannakidou , Anastasia | 2022 | Bias and modality in conditionals | DGfS 2022, University of Tübingen | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Temme, Anne; Golcher, Felix | 2022 | Contrast Coding | CRC/MGK Methodschool 2022 | [ViVo] | INF, MGK | Workshop |
Habermann, Mechthild | 2022 | Vertextungsstrategien volkssprachlicher Fachtexte der Frühen Neuzeit | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Hülk, Kristina | 2022 | Eine Betrachtung der Pyramidenkapelle Beg. N11 aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln, Blick als semiotische Ressource | Arbeitskreis Multimodalität im Alten Ägypten und Sudan, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Hülk, Kristina | 2022 | Graphic Communication in Egypt and Sudan | CRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Hülk, Kristina | 2022 | Frontality in Meroitic Visual Communication: Function and Variation in Meaning | 15th International Conference for Nubian Studies, Warsaw | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Hülk, Kristina | 2022 | Project B03 - Resources | Members' Meeting February 2022 | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina; Hülk, Kristina | 2022 | Introduction to Workshop ReAL "Register in Ancient Languages" | ReAL " Register in Ancient Languages" | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina; Hülk, Kristina | 2022 | Register in Ancient Languages (ReAL) | ReAL " Register in Ancient Languages" | [ViVo] | B03 | Workshop |
Jannedy, Stefanie | 2022 | Der Einfluss sprachexterner Faktoren auf die gesprochene Sprache - Wer spricht wie mit wem und warum? | Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprechwissenschaft und Sprecherziehung (DGSS): Stimme und Geschlecht im Wandel - Implikationen für Theorie und Praxis in der Sprechwissenschaft und Phonetik | [ViVo] | C02 | Invited Talk |
Schüppenhauer, Gediminas; Weirich, Melanie; Duran, Daniel; Jannedy, Stefanie | 2022 | Register Differences in Vowel Dispersion in Formal and Informal Situations | 11th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe - ICLaVE|11 | [ViVo] | C02 | Presentation |
Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | Real-time effects of register congruence on spoken and written language comprehension: Preliminary eye-tracking data | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | C03 | Presentation |
Krifka, Manfred | 2022 | Modality in Daakie | Multiple Modality | [ViVo] | A02 | Workshop |
König, Peter | 2022 | Using VR for the investigation of embodied cognition | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Kühnast, Milena | 2022 | Modeling register development | Area C Meeting | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Lütke, Beate; Kühnast, Milena | 2022 | Erklärfähigkeiten von Grundschullehramtsstudierenden des Faches Deutsch – metalinguistisches Wissen und Registerflexibilität | 24. Symposion Deutschdidaktik, Vienna, Austria | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Belz, Malte; Lüdeling, Anke; Mooshammer, Christine; Sell, Bianca Maria; Terada, Megumi; Lange, Robert | 2022 | Das Berlin Dialogue Corpus (BeDiaCo) und das Corpus of Non-Native Addressee Register (CoNNAR) – themen- und aufgabenorientierte spontansprachliche Dialoge in direkter und videobasierter Kommunikation | IDS-Methodenmesse 2022 | [ViVo] [PDF] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Presentation |
Sell, Bianca Maria; Mooshammer, Christine; Lüdeling, Anke; Oliviera, Maggie Bullock; Lange, Robert | 2022 | Non-Native Addressee Register in German | 11th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe - ICLaVE|11 | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Presentation |
Lehmann, Nico | 2022 | Register and the function puzzle: Why register competence is not the whole story | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | A06 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina; Lehmann, Nico | 2022 | Register Aspects of Language in Situation (REALIS) | CRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A06, B03 | Presentation |
Liu, Mingya | 2022 | HU-Workshop on "Multiple Modality" | Multiple Modality | [ViVo] | A07 | Workshop |
Liu, Mingya | 2022 | Sociolinguistics | Seminar HU Institut für deutsche Sprache und Lingusitik SoSe 2022 | [ViVo] | A07 | Course |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2022 | Register sensitivity of negative concord in American and British English | HSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2022 | Register sensitivity of negative concord in American and British English | SLE Workshop on "A hundred years of negative concord", University of Bucharest | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2022 | An experimental study of multiple modals and their register sensitivity in English | HSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Rotter, Stephanie; Liu, Mingya | 2022 | Register sensitivity of negation, polarity and modality in American and British English | CRC Colloquium – HU Berlin | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Lüdeling, Anke; Shadrova, Anna; Lukassek, Julia | 2022 | Variation and Productivity in German L1 and L2 Nominal Word Formation | DGfS 2022, University of Tübingen | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Presentation |
Schulte, Britta; Lukassek, Julia | 2022 | Narration in Context: Between Linguistic Theory and Empirical Operationalization - Introduction | 44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachforschung (DGfS), Tübingen, zoom | [ViVo] | C04, C07 | Presentation |
Shadrova, Anna; Lüdeling, Anke; Wan, Shujun; Lukassek, Julia | 2022 | Complex nouns as markers of academic register in L1-and L2-authored essays | Word formation and discourse structure | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Presentation |
Lukeš, David | 2022 | Methodological issues in multi-dimensional analysis: Insights from a from-scratch MDA of Czech | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Lüdeling, Anke | 2022 | Zum Umgang mit Variation in der Lernersprachenanalyse. Perspektiven aus und für DaF/DaZ | LCR2022 6th Learner Corpus Research Conference, Padua, September | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Invited Talk |
Lüdeling, Anke | 2022 | Variability in Grammatical Categories and Structures: The Case of Word Formation, Ghent, Belgium | Grammar and Corpora (GaC) | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Invited Talk |
Krause, Thomas; Lüdeling, Anke | 2022 | What is a good corpus? | SFB 1412 Colloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Presentation |
Knoeferle, Pia; Mooshammer, Christine; Lütke, Beate | 2022 | Area C on modeling | CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | C03, C05, C06 | Presentation |
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate | 2022 | Stance markers as indicators of register flexibility | International Workshop "Metaphors and Stance Markers in Register Variation" (MeStaR) | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate | 2022 | Registerflexibilität in grammatischen Erklärungen von Lehramtsstudierenden des Faches Deutsch - Einblick in quantitative und qualitative Daten. | 24. Grazer Tagung "Deutsch als Fremd-/Zweitsprache & Sprachdidaktik" | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate | 2022 | Register acquisition and education | CRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Kühnast, Milena; Egg, Markus; Lütke, Beate | 2022 | Workshop "Register, Genre and Style" | CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A01, C05 | Workshop |
Varaschin, Giuseppe; Machicao y Priemer, Antonio | 2022 | Agreement mismatches and register-driven variation in Brazilian Portuguese | Oberseminar Syntax and Semantics, Institut für England- und Amerikastudien, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Presentation |
Buchmüller, Olga; Maquate, Katja | 2022 | Data protection and Ethics | Experimental Methods Meeting | [ViVo] | A03, C03 | Presentation |
Marklová, Anna | 2022 | Reading circle autumn report | CRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A03 | Presentation |
Buchmüller, Olga; Szucsich, Luka; Meyer, Roland; Demian, Christoph; Marklová, Anna | 2022 | Speakers’ assessment of situational contexts of language use: Dimensions of variation in Czech | Linguistics Beyond And Within 2022 | [ViVo] | A03 | Presentation |
Delucchi Danhier, Renate; Marklová, Anna | 2022 | Spatial asymmetry of mental representation in Czech,German and Spanish | 14. Deutschen Slavistiktags 2022 | [ViVo] | A03 | Presentation |
Schnelle, Gohar; Lehmann, Nico; Marklová, Anna | 2022 | Reading circle terminology | CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A03, A06, B04 | Presentation |
Meyerhoff, Miriam | 2022 | Attitudes to variation: verbal hygiene, aesthetics and action | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Morris, Dan | 2022 | Register Influence on the Development of Synthetic and Analytic Alternation in Middle English Comparatives and Superlatives | 12th International Conference on Middle English | [ViVo] | B01 | Presentation |
Schwab, Juliane; Liu, Mingya; Beese, Caroline; Gruber, Thomas; Mueller, Jutta L. | 2022 | Testing predictive and integrative neural mechanisms in the processing of negative polarity items | HSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Solt, Stephanie; Mühlenbernd, Roland | 2022 | Modeling (im)precision in context | SFB 1412 Colloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | A05 | Invited Talk |
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Schäfer, Roland; Bildhauer, Felix; Müller, Stefan | 2022 | Towards a treatment of register phenomena in HPSG | The 29th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Nagoya University & the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Presentation |
Natchoo, Nicholas | 2022 | Also sprach the Dodo Bird: Teaching in Kreol Morisien and Register Recruitment | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Pickering, Martin | 2022 | How do people interpret implausible sentences? | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Golcher, Felix; Renis, André | 2022 | Introduction to VIVO | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] [PDF] | INF | Presentation |
Temme, Anne; Renis, André | 2022 | Jupyter Notebooks for Linguists: Introduction to FLAIR NLP | CRC/MGK Methodschool 2022 | [ViVo] [PDF] | INF, MGK | Workshop |
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie | 2022 | Register-sensitivity of quantifier use: no vs. any in English | CARLA22 – Special session on Register – HU Berlin | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie | 2022 | An experimental study of multiple modals and register effects in American and British English | CLS, University of Chicago | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie | 2022 | An experimental study of multiple modals and register effects in American and British English | Workshop on "Variation, contact, and modal constructions in English", University of Paris | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie | 2022 | Register Sensitivity of Negative Concord and NPIs in Varieties of English | Linguistic SFB Meetup – HU Berlin | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Sauermann, Antje | 2022 | Multilingualism | CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | C07 | Presentation |
Dobler, Fynn Raphael; Wiese, Heike; Sauermann, Antje | 2022 | Sociolinguistic variation in Kiezdeutsch and Namdeutsch | Methods XVII (1.8. - 5.8.2022), Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz | [ViVo] | C07 | Presentation |
Schaefer, Saskia | 2022 | We don’t use that word – The Political Vocabulary of Muslim Feminists in Indonesia. | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Schulte, Britta | 2022 | Register(wahrnehmung) im Namdeutschen | Tagung Netzwerk (deutsche) Sprachminderheiten | [ViVo] | C07 | Presentation |
Schulte, Britta | 2022 | Narration in Context: Between Linguistic Theory and Empirical Operationalization | Narration in Context | [ViVo] | C07 | Workshop |
Serova, Dina; Lukassek, Julia; Schulte, Britta | 2022 | Introduction to Workshop Narration in Context | Narration in Context | [ViVo] | B03, C04, C07 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina | 2022 | 'Erzählte Räume' und Interaktion | Arbeitskreis Multimodalität im Alten Ägypten und Sudan, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina | 2022 | Semantic Perspectives on the Nude/Naked Body in Ancient Egyptian Texts | Egyptology in dialogue: Historical bodies in relations of comparisons and negotiations, Emory University, zoom | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina | 2022 | Deformiert und diffamiert. Körperstrafen in Grabdarstellungen des Alten Reiches | Jahrestagung des Clusters "Körper und Tod", DAI Berlin | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina | 2022 | Register variation in Ancient Egyptian narrative texts: A case-study on 'Wenamun' | Current Research in Egyptology, Montpellier | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina | 2022 | Area B on modeling of register knowledge in Historical Linguistics | CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina | 2022 | Problematizing linguistic variation in the Coffin Texts: A case-study on spell CT 335 | MORTEXVAR - Individuals, Groups, Tracers, Universidad de Alcala, zoom | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Döring, Sophia; Lehmann, Nico; Serova, Dina | 2022 | Narration | CRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A06, B03, Z | Presentation |
Kühnast, Milena; Serova, Dina | 2022 | Formality | CRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | B03, C05 | Presentation |
Rickert, Alexa; Matić, Uroš; Serova, Dina | 2022 | Bodies in Ancient Egypt: Subjects, Objects, Media - Introduction | Bodies in Ancient Egypt: Subjects, Objects, Media, WWU Münster | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Solt, Stephanie | 2022 | Towards an alternative-based theory of understatement | Workshop on Alternatives, Expectations and Domain Widening, Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv | [ViVo] | A05 | Invited Talk |
Solt, Stephanie | 2022 | 'Much', polarity and register | Online-Colloquium "Empirical English Linguistics", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | A05 | Invited Talk |
Mühlenbernd, Roland; Solt, Stephanie | 2022 | Modeling (im)precision in context | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Liu, Mingya; Adli, Aria; Szucsich, Luka | 2022 | Area A on modeling | CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] | A03, A06, A07 | Presentation |
Vanhala, Otso | 2022 | Verbal derived stems and semantics in prefixed verbs in the earliest Lithuanian texts | Third Pranas Skardžius Memorial Conference | [ViVo] | B02 | Presentation |
Wan, Shujun | 2022 | Kontrastive Rhetorik: Merkmale deutscher und chinesischer argumentativen Texte | Uni Potsdam | [ViVo] | C04 | Invited Talk |
Wan, Shujun | 2022 | Schreibstrategien in argumentativen Texten chinesischer Deutschlerner:innen | Kolloquium Korpuslinguistik und Phonetik (WiSe 2022/23), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | C04 | Presentation |
Wegener, Rebekah | 2022 | Benefits and Challenges of Parametric models of Context. | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Wiese, Heike | 2022 | Comm-sits and registers | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2022) | [ViVo] | C07 | Presentation |
Wiese, Heike | 2022 | Bare NPs in German in the US, Namibia, and Germany: Results from a comparative corpus study | Deutsche Sprachminderheiten kontrastiv, Bamberg | [ViVo] | C07 | Presentation |
Temme, Anne; Agha, Asif | 2022 | Summer school on Register with Asif Agha | Summer school on Register 2022 | [ViVo] | MGK | Workshop |
Rotter, Stephanie; Antal, Caitlyn; Bechberger, Lucas; Haase, Viviana; Hinrichs, Nicolás Araneda; Schneider, Stefan et al. | 2022 | Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application (CARLA 2022) | CARLA 2022 | [ViVo] | A07, C03 | Workshop |
Adli, Aria | 2022 | Coherence and implicational hierarchies in the speech of the very old | The Coherence of Linguistic Communities Orderly Heterogeneity and Social Meaning | [ViVo] | A06 | Chapter |
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Müller, Stefan; Schäfer, Roland; Bildhauer, Felix | 2022 | Towards a treatment of register phenomena in HPSG | Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Nagoya University & Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Academic Article |
Marklová, Anna; Buchmüller, Olga | 2022 | Register investigation on Czech | Summer school of linguistics 2022 | [ViVo] | A03 | Conference Poster |
Church, Kenneth; Kordoni, Valia; Marcus, Gary; Ma, Y; Chen, Z; Davis, E. | 2022 | A gentle introduction to Deep Nets and opportunities for the future | Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Tutorial Abstracts | [ViVo] | A01 | Academic Article |
Church, Kenneth; Kordoni, Valia | 2022 | Emerging trends: SOTA-chasing | Natural Language Engineering | [ViVo] | A01 | Academic Article |
Egg, Markus; Kordoni, Valia | 2022 | A corpus annotated for metaphor in German | LREC 2022, Marseille | [ViVo] | A01 | Conference Paper |
Schnelle, Gohar; Odebrecht, Carolin; Lüdeling, Anke; Perlitz, Laura; Fisher, Catharina | 2022 | "Die Blumenzeit der Frau": A corpus-based study of the development of medical references to menstruation in historical texts on herbology | Corpus Pragmatic Studies on the History of Medical Discourse | [ViVo] | B04, C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Chapter |
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | Effects of Register and Morphosyntactic Congruence on Eye Movements During Sentence Reading | Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application (CARLA 2022) | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Kammerzell, Frank | 2022 | Adapter l'écriture à l'évolution linguistique | Guide des écritures de l'Égypte ancienne | [ViVo] | B03 | Academic Article |
Schwab, Juliane; Liu, Mingya | 2022 | Attenuating NPIs in indicative vs. counterfactual conditionals | Gutzmann, Daniel & Sophie Repp, Eds.: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26 (SuB26), Universität zu Köln | [ViVo] | A07 | Academic Article |
Müller, Stefan; Machicao y Priemer, Antonio | 2022 | Modelling Register Variation in HPSG | CRC 1412 – Spring Retreat 2022 | [ViVo] [PDF] | A04, A06, Z | Conference Poster |
Sorg, Charlotte | 2022 | Register Sensitivity of Expletive Negation in English | [ViVo] | A07 | Thesis | |
Tikhonov, Aleksej | 2022 | Sprachen der Exilgemeinde in Rixdorf (Berlin): Autorenidentifikation und linguistische Merkmale anhand von tschechischen Manuskripten aus dem 18./19. Jahrhundert | [ViVo] | A03 | Thesis | |
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | An investigation of formality-register congruence and its interplay with morphosyntactic congruence during sentence reading: Two eye-tracking pilot studies | XPRAG 2022 | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Maquate, Katja; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | Effects of situation formality on spoken language comprehension of register | HSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Maquate, Katja; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | Investigating the effect of situation-formality on spoken language comprehension of register | AMLaP 2022 | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Maquate, Katja; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | Investigating the effect of situation-formality on spoken language comprehension of register | IMPRS CONFERENCE 2022 | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | (How) Does Processing of Register and Morphosyntactic Congruence Affect Sentence Comprehension? Two Eye-Tracking Pilot Studies | IMPRS CONFERENCE 2022 | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | (How) Do Register and Morphosyntactic Congruence Effects Interact during Sentence Reading? Two Eye-Tracking Pilot Studies | CogSci | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Plesca, Ana-Maria; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | The interplay of situation-formality register congruence and verb-argument relations | HSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Vanhala, Otso | 2022 | Verbal derived stems and semantics in prefixed verbs in the earliest Lithuanian texts | Lietuvių kalba | [ViVo] | B02 | Academic Article |
Patarroyo, Angela Giovanna; Maquate, Katja; Ito, Aine; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | Investigating the real-time effect of register-situation formality congruence versus verb-argument semantic fit during spoken language comprehension | CogSci | [ViVo] | C03 | Conference Paper |
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | How do formality-register congruence and subject-verb agreement effects unfold during sentence reading? Two eye-tracking pilot studies | AMLaP 2022 | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Pescuma, Valentina Nicole; Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | Shared or distinct mechanisms: (How) Do register and subject-verb morphosyntactic congruence effects interact during sentence reading? | HSP 2022, UC Santa Cruz | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Demian, Christoph; Buchmüller, Olga; Meyer, Roland; Szucsich, Luka | 2022 | Syntactic Complexity and Register in Russian | [ViVo] | A03 | Abstract | |
Plesca, Ana-Maria; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2022 | The interplay of situation-formality register congruence and verb-argument relations | CogSci | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine; Zöllner, Alina; Adam, Lea-Sophie | 2021 | Berlin Dialogue Corpus (BeDiaCo): Version 2 | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | C06 | Dataset | |
Belz, Malte; Zöllner, Alina; Terada, Megumi; Lange, Robert; Adam, Lea-Sophie; Sell, Bianca Maria | 2021 | Dokumentation und Annotationsrichtlinien für das Korpus BeDiaCo | [DOI] [ViVo] | C06 | Academic Article | |
Alexiadou, Artemis | 2021 | Reanalysis of morphological exponence: a cross-linguistic perspective | Journal of Historical Syntax | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | B01, Z | Academic Article |
Lüdeling, Anke; Hirschmann , Hagen; Shadrova, Anna; Wan, Shujun | 2021 | Tiefe Analyse von Lernerkorpora | Deutsch in Europa | [DOI] [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Chapter |
Dudschig, Caroline; Kaup, Barbara; Liu, Mingya; Schwab, Juliane | 2021 | The Processing of Negation and Polarity: An Overview | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A07 | Academic Article |
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie; Giannakidou , Anastasia | 2021 | Bias and Modality in Conditionals: Experimental Evidence and Theoretical Implications | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | [DOI] [ViVo] | A07 | Academic Article |
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Müller, Stefan | 2021 | NPs in German: Locality, theta roles, possessives, and genitive arguments | Glossa: a journal of general linguistics | [DOI] [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Academic Article |
Shadrova, Anna; Lindscheid, Pia; Lukassek, Julia; Lüdeling, Anke; Schneider, Sarah | 2021 | A Challenge for Contrastive L1/L2 Corpus Studies: Large Inter- and Intra-Individual Variation Across Morphological, but Not Global Syntactic Categories in Task-Based Corpus Data of a Homogeneous L1 German Group | Frontiers in Psychology | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Academic Article |
Lima, Suzi; Veenstra, Tonjes | 2021 | Complex structures in Brazilian Indigenous languages | Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A02 | Academic Article |
Offrede, Tom; Fuchs, Susanne; Mooshammer, Christine | 2021 | Multi‐speaker experimental designs: Methodological considerations | Language and Linguistics Compass | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | C06 | Academic Article |
Umbach, Carla; Solt, Stephanie | 2021 | Comparison via 'eher' | Journal of Semantics | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A05 | Academic Article |
Mühlenbernd, Roland; Wacewicz, Slawomir; Zywiczyński, Przemyslaw | 2021 | Politeness and reputation in cultural evolution | Linguistics and Philosophy | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A05 | Academic Article |
Schwab, Juliane; Liu, Mingya; Mueller, Jutta L. | 2021 | On the Acquisition of Polarity Items: 11- to 12-Year-Olds' Comprehension of German NPIs and PPIs | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A07 | Academic Article |
Alexiadou, Artemis | 2021 | Online Talk | 12th International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics | [ViVo] | B01, Z | Invited Talk |
Karkaletsou, Fenia; Oikonomou, Despina; Alexiadou, Artemis | 2021 | Double comparatives from a crosslinguistc perspective | Geneva | [ViVo] [PDF] | B01, Z | Invited Talk |
Baumgärtner, Alena | 2021 | Registerforschung und sprachlicher Habitus | Online-Workshop Bourdieu in der Germanistik | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Beier, Phil | 2021 | Register emergence and Register Change in St. Birgitta's revelations | Sällskapet för östnordisk filologi (SÖF) femte internationella konferens | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Beier, Phil | 2021 | Latinsk påverkan på ett religiöst register? Framväxten av register i Heliga Birgittas uppenbarelser | Svenska Språkets Historia 16 (SSH16) Lunds universitet | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Schnelle, Gohar; Beier, Phil | 2021 | Register dependent variation. Instructions in Notker’s Psalterium and the Revelations of St. Birgitta | Intra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics FAU Erlangen | [ViVo] [PDF] | B04 | Presentation |
Sherstinova, Tatjana; Blinova, Olga; Bogdanova-Belgrian, Natalia | 2021 | Russian everyday speech: Dialogue and monologue in corpus representation | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Meyer, Roland; Szucsich, Luka; Demian, Christoph; Buchmüller, Olga | 2021 | Syntactic Complexity and Register in Russian | Workshop on complexity and register (CAR21) | [ViVo] | A03 | Presentation |
Arana, Andrew; Burnett, Heather | 2021 | Mathematical Hygiene | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Chark, Jordan | 2021 | A formal account of the diachrony of the Icelandic ‘finish’ perfect | Formal Diachronic Semantics (FoDS) 6 (virtual) | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Cooper, Paul | 2021 | Enregisterment in historical contexts: nineteenth-century Yorkshire dialect | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Dixon, Sally | 2021 | Understanding complex repertoires in situations of language contact: an application of the Comparative Variationist method | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Egg, Markus | 2021 | Metaphor variation across registers in German | Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM) Conference | [ViVo] | A01 | Presentation |
Horn, Laurence | 2021 | Negation, negative polarity, and microvariation: two case studies. | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | Z | Presentation |
Brandt, Erika; Weirich, Melanie; Schüppenhauer, Gediminas; Jannedy, Stefanie | 2021 | An experimental approach to cross-situational variation of single speakers | New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV 49) | [ViVo] | C02 | Presentation |
Alexiadou, Artemis; Karkaletsou, Fenia | 2021 | Synthetic-analytic variation in the formation of Greek comparatives and relative superlativs: A corpus study | Workshop on complexity and register (CAR21) | [ViVo] | B01, Z | Presentation |
Müller, David; Verhoeven, Elisabeth; Adli, Aria; Lehmann, Nico | 2021 | Cross-linguistic aspects of register variation: Right-peripheral constituents in German | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2021) | [ViVo] | A06 | Presentation |
Rotter, Stephanie; Wartenburger, Isabell; Liu, Mingya | 2021 | A comparative experimental study on counterfactual conditionals: counterfactual thoughts, perspectives, and emotions | AMLaP 2021, Paris | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Schwab, Juliane; Liu, Mingya | 2021 | Lexical variation in the illusory licensing of negative polarity items in German | AMLaP 2021, Paris | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Lüdeling, Anke; Lukassek, Julia | 2021 | Zum Erwerb von Registerwissen bei Lerner:innen des Deutschen als Fremdsprache. Registerstudien in Lernerkorpora | Colloquium Uni Gießen | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Invited Talk |
Lüdeling, Anke; Lukassek, Julia | 2021 | Untersuchung von Registern in Texten von Lerner:innen des Deutschen als Fremdsprache | Colloquium RWTH Aachen | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Invited Talk |
Lüdeling, Anke; Lukassek, Julia | 2021 | Registerwissen und morphologische Struktur. Eine Studie zu komplexen Wörtern bei Lerner:innen des Deutschen als Fremdsprache und Muttersprachler:innen | SPIGL | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Invited Talk |
Kühnast, Milena; Lütke, Beate | 2021 | Register flexibility of first year students | CRC 1412 - Fall Retreat 2021 | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |
Marklová, Anna | 2021 | Vidět jazykem: Eye-tracking v lingvistickém výzkumu | Evropský den jazyků 2021 | [ViVo] | A03 | Invited Talk |
Lüdeling, Anke; Lange, Robert; Sell, Bianca Maria; Belz, Malte; Mooshammer, Christine | 2021 | The phonetic realisation of verbal inflection in two dialogue registers of German spontaneous speech | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | C04, C05, C06, INF, Z | Presentation |
Mühlenbernd, Roland | 2021 | The evolution of ambiguity in communication systems | Protolang 7, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | [ViVo] | A05 | Presentation |
Mühlenbernd, Roland | 2021 | Politeness and reputation | Workshop on Oppressive Speech, Societies and Norms (Theme 3: Social Meaning & Semantics/Pragmatics of Harmful Speech), Berlin, Germany | [ViVo] | A05 | Invited Talk |
Baumann, Andreas; Mühlenbernd, Roland | 2021 | Population-level models of evolutionary pragmatics | Evolutionary Pragmatics Forum (virtual) | [ViVo] | A05 | Invited Talk |
Pfeiffer, Roman | 2021 | Hearing register variation: Sonification as an alternative to factor analysis | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Temme, Anne; Renis, André | 2021 | Python for Linguists (and Introduction to spaCy NLP) | CRC/MGK Methodschool 2021 | [ViVo] [PDF] | INF, MGK | Workshop |
Liu, Mingya; Rotter, Stephanie | 2021 | Pragmatic Functions and Effects of Register Variation and Switch: a register approach to negation and polarity | CRC Retreat 2021 – HU Berlin | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Schulte, Britta | 2021 | V3 Sentences in Namibian German – Register Differences | Kolloquium Netzwerk (deutsche) Sprachminderheiten | [ViVo] | C07 | Presentation |
Schulte, Britta | 2021 | "Bakkie" oder "Auto"? Registerdifferenzierung im Namdeutschen | Seminar HU Institut für deustche Sprache und Lingusitik WiSe 2021/22 | [ViVo] | C07 | Course |
Wiese, Heike; Sauermann, Antje; Schulte, Britta | 2021 | Lexical vs. grammatical features in the perception of Namibian German | German Abroad 4, Windhoek | [ViVo] | C07 | Presentation |
Liu, Mingya; Schwab, Juliane | 2021 | Attenuating NPIs in indicative vs. counterfactual conditionals | Sinn und Bedeutung 26, University of Cologne | [ViVo] | A07 | Presentation |
Goymann, Frank; Schütz, Johannes | 2021 | Partizipien und Nebensätze im Altlettischen | XIII International Congress of Balticists | [ViVo] | B02 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina | 2021 | Pain and punishment. New Perspectives on Selected Iconographic Motifs in Old Kingdom Tomb Decoration | Ninth European Conference of Egyptologists (ECE IX), Triest, zoom | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Serova, Dina | 2021 | Klassifikatoren in Bewegung. Eine Fallstudie zum Verb kfi/kfA 'entblößen; offenbaren; vertreiben; berauben; öffnen' | 16. Internationaler Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Semiotik (DGS): "Transformationen: Zeichen und ihre Obkjekte im Wandel", zoom | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Slonim, Noam | 2021 | Project Debater – how persuasive can a computer be? | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Solt, Stephanie | 2021 | On the social meaning of (im)precision in context | Workshop on Oppressive Speech, Societies and Norms (Theme 3: Social Meaning & Semantics/Pragmatics of Harmful Speech), Berlin, Germany | [ViVo] | A05 | Invited Talk |
Chark, Jordan; Sauerland, Uli; Solt, Stephanie | 2021 | Social meaning of indefinites | Psychosemantics Colloquium, Universität Potsdam | [ViVo] | A05, MGK | Invited Talk |
Teich, Elke | 2021 | Language variation and change – computational models of variety formation | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Golcher, Felix; Temme, Anne | 2021 | R Markdown | CRC/MGK Methodschool 2021 | [ViVo] | INF, MGK | Workshop |
Saliger, Patrick; Temme, Anne | 2021 | Introduction to INCEpTION | CRC/MGK Methodschool 2021 | [ViVo] | A01, MGK | Workshop |
Beier, Phil; Unverzagt, Silke | 2021 | Register dependent variation. Instructions in Notker’s Psalterium and the Revelations of St. Birgitta | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Vanhala, Otso | 2021 | Verbal derivation patterns in the writings of Vilentas | XIII International Congress of Balticists | [ViVo] | B02 | Presentation |
Veenstra, Tonjes | 2021 | Rich Agreement in creoles and register-sensitivity | International Conference on New Issues in Language Contact Studies , Università degli Studi dell’Aquila | [ViVo] | A02 | Presentation |
Veenstra, Tonjes | 2021 | Speakers’ Choices in Creole Contexts: The Mauritian Case | Forschungskolloquium Romanistik, U. Hamburg | [ViVo] | A02 | Invited Talk |
Veenstra, Tonjes | 2021 | Tribute to Pieter Muysken | International Conference on New Issues in Language Contact Studies , Università degli Studi dell’Aquila | [ViVo] | A02 | Presentation |
Veenstra, Tonjes | 2021 | Register-sensitivity in creole grammars | SPCL Summer conference, INALCO Paris | [ViVo] | A02 | Presentation |
Henri, Fabiola; Veenstra, Tonjes | 2021 | Focus-sensitive Alternations in the Indian Ocean | Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft | [ViVo] | A02 | Presentation |
Meyerhoff, Miriam; Aru, Carol; Veenstra, Tonjes | 2021 | Changes in plural marking in Bislama | Society for Pidgin and Creole Languages: virtual winter meeting | [ViVo] | A02, Z | Presentation |
Weiss, Zarah | 2021 | An Integrative Approach to Linguistic Complexity Analysis for German | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Wiese, Heike | 2021 | How alien is it abroad? German in heritage and majority language settings | German Abroad 4, Windhoek | [ViVo] | C07 | Invited Talk |
Wiese, Heike | 2021 | Language Situations: A method to elicit comparable, naturalistic data across registers, languages, and speakers | Colloquium Østfold University College | [ViVo] | C07 | Presentation |
de Fina, Anna | 2021 | Storytelling from a narratives-as-practices perspective | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2021) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Jannedy, Stefanie; Brandt, Erika; Weirich, Melanie; Schüppenhauer, Gediminas | 2021 | Phonetic Register Coding in Formal and Informal Speech | Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2021 (PaPE) | [ViVo] | C02 | Conference Poster |
Jannedy, Stefanie; Brandt, Erika; Schüppenhauer, Gediminas; Witt, Johannes; Weirich, Melanie | 2021 | What Pauses tell us about Register | Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P17) | [ViVo] | C02 | Conference Poster |
Church, Kenneth; Kordoni, Valia | 2021 | Emerging trends: Ethics, intimidation, and the Cold War | Natural Language Engineering | [ViVo] | A01 | Academic Article |
Feulner, Anna Helene | 2021 | Luther und die Register der altlitauischen Glaubensverkündigung | Luthers Deutsch in Mittel- und Osteuropa | [ViVo] | B02 | Chapter |
Kammerzell, Frank | 2021 | Reading multimodal compositions from Early Dynastic Egypt (with an appendix on previously unlisted, reinterpreted or otherwise noteworthy signs) | Keep Out! Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Cylinder Seals and Sealings in Context | [ViVo] | B03 | Academic Article |
Lütke, Beate | 2021 | Sprachliche Bildung, Mehrsprachigkeit, Deutsch als Zweitsprache | Die Sprache in den Schulen - Eine Sprache im Werden. 3. Bericht zur Lage der deutschen Sprache der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung | [ViVo] | C05 | Chapter |
Koch, Helena | 2021 | Morphological Processes in Polari and Modern LGBTQ+ Slang on Twitter – A Comparative Register Analysis | [ViVo] | A01 | Thesis | |
Wiese, Heike; Bracke, Y. | 2021 | Registerdifferenzierung im Namdeutschen: Informeller und formeller Sprachgebrauch in einer vitalen Sprechergemeinschaft | Kontaktvarietäten des Deutschen im Ausland | [ViVo] [PDF] | C07 | Academic Article |
Plesca, Ana-Maria | 2021 | Exploring the interplay between register and verb-argument structure across situation-formality contexts | [ViVo] | C03 | Thesis | |
Ronderos, Camilo R.; Ito, Aine; Maquate, Katja; Knoeferle, Pia | 2021 | The interaction between subject-verb agreement and register-situation formality congruence in German sentence processing: an eye-tracking-reading pilot study | 34th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing | [ViVo] | C03 | Abstract |
Wiese, Heike | 2021 | Communicative situations as a basis for linguistic systems: Integrating linguistic multi-competence with grammatical structure | Working Papers in Urban Language & Literacies | [ViVo] [PDF] | C07 | Academic Article |
Kutscher, Silvia | 2020 | Multimodale graphische Kommunikation im pharaonischen Ägypten: Entwurf einer Analysemethode | Lingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language Studies | [DOI] [ViVo] | B03 | Academic Article |
Weirich, Melanie; Jannedy, Stefanie; Schüppenhauer, Gediminas | 2020 | The Social Meaning of Contextualized Sibilant Alternations in Berlin German | Frontiers in Psychology | [DOI] [ViVo] | C02 | Academic Article |
Baumgärtner, Alena | 2020 | Chancenungleichheit durch akademisches Register. Zum Zusammenhang von Bildungsherkunft und sprachlicher Passung im Studium | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | C05 | Thesis | |
Egg, Markus | 2020 | To those walking in the footsteps of the faith | Drawing Attention to Metaphor: Case studies across time periods, cultures and modalities | [DOI] [ViVo] | A01 | Chapter |
Di Biase-Dyson, Camilla; Egg, Markus | 2020 | Drawing attention to metaphor: An introduction to the debate | Drawing Attention to Metaphor: Case studies across time periods, cultures and modalities | [DOI] [ViVo] | A01 | Chapter |
Veenstra, Tonjes | 2020 | Introduction | Advances in contact linguistics | [DOI] [ViVo] | A02 | Academic Article |
Guescini, Rolf Borgen; Krause, Thomas; Odebrecht, Carolin; Schulz, Konstantin | 2020 | Laudatio Repository - Long-term Access and Usage of Deeply Annotated Information Docker Images | [DOI] [ViVo] | INF | Software | |
Sauerland, Uli; Alexiadou, Artemis | 2020 | Generative Grammar: A Meaning First Approach | Frontiers in Psychology | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A05, B01, MGK, Z | Academic Article |
Lüdeling, Anke; Alexiadou, Artemis; Adli, Aria; Donhauser, Karin; Dreyer, Malte; Egg, Markus et al. | 2020 | Register: Language Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation | REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation | [DOI] [ViVo] [PDF] | A01, A02, A03, A04, A05, A06, B01, B02, B03, B04, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06, INF, MGK, Z | Academic Article |
Sauerland, Uli | 2020 | Study to validate the SOLT as a measure of register | [DOI] [ViVo] | A05, MGK | Protocol | |
Kutscher, Silvia; Döhl, Rebecca; Loebel, J.-M. | 2020 | CaeMmCom - Corpus altaegyptischer multimodaler Communication. Der Aufbau einer multimodalen Datensammlung altägyptischer Kommunikate | Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften | [DOI] [ViVo] | B03 | Academic Article |
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio; Fritz-Huechante, Paola | 2020 | Boundaries at play | Interfaces in Romance | [DOI] [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Academic Article |
Norde, Muriel; Beier, Phil | 2020 | Registergenes och registerförändring i fornsvenskan – det Birgittinska materialet | Kollokviet för nordisk filologi (Institutionen för svenska och flerspråkighet Stockholms universitet) | [ViVo] | B04 | Invited Talk |
Burnett, Heather | 2020 | Identity construction and register variation in French “écriture inclusive” | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2020) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Kibbey, Tyler | 2020 | Phenomenological Anachronism and the Enregistrement of the Crusade Metaphor in ISIS Propaganda | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2020) | [ViVo] | A01 | Presentation |
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio | 2020 | L4L – LaTeX for Linguists Workshop | MGK Integrated Graduate School – CRC 1412, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | A04, A06, Z | Presentation |
Neumann, Stella | 2020 | A register variation perspective on varieties of English | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2020) | [ViVo] | Z | Invited Talk |
Schnelle, Gohar | 2020 | Identification of early Old High German registers by lexical features | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2020) | [ViVo] | B04 | Presentation |
Schäfer, Roland | 2020 | Grammatische Variation zwischen Individuen und Situationen: Perspektiven für Linguistik und Bildungsspracherwerb | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2020) | [ViVo] | A04 | Invited Talk |
Serova, Dina | 2020 | Tracing down register variation in the 'Journey of Wenamun' | SFB 1412 Klausurtagung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | [ViVo] | B03 | Presentation |
Golcher, Felix; Renis, André; Krause, Thomas; Temme, Anne | 2020 | Working with corpora and corpus data | CRC/MGK Summerschool 2020 | [ViVo] | INF, MGK | Workshop |
Adli, Aria; Lehmann, Nico; Mortezapour, Vahid; Verhoeven, Elisabeth | 2020 | Cross-linguistic aspects of register variation: Creating a Lang*Reg Corpus | Kolloquium SFB1412 (2020) | [ViVo] | A06 | Presentation |
Schäfer, Roland; Bildhauer, Felix | 2020 | Beyond Multidimensional Analysis: Probabilistic Register Induction for Large Corpora | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Kolloquium Syntax und Semantik (2020) | [ViVo] | A04 | Invited Talk |
Ahrenholz, Bernt; Lütke, Beate; Geist, Barbara | 2020 | Deutsch als Zweitsprache: Perspektiven auf Schule und Hochschule, Erwerb und Didaktik. Beiträge aus dem Workshop "Deutsch als Zweitsprache, Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit", 2017 | [ViVo] | C05 | Edited Book | |
Meyer, Roland | 2020 | Die tschechischen Wenkerbögen: Deutsch und seine Kontaktsprachen in der Dokumentation der Wenker-Materialien | Minderheitensprachen und Sprachminderheiten | [ViVo] | A03 | Academic Article |
Tikhonov, Aleksej; Meyer, Roland; Müller, K. | 2020 | LiViTo: Linguistic and Visual features Tool for assisted analysis of historic manuscripts | Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference | [ViVo] | A03 | Conference Paper |
Szucsich, Luka | 2020 | Burgenland Croatian as a Contact Language | Areal Convergence in Eastern Central European Languages and Beyond | [ViVo] | A03 | Chapter |
Szucsich, Luka | 2020 | Die burgenlandkroatischen Wenkerbögen: Deutsch und seine Kontaktsprachen in der Dokumentation der Wenker-Materialien | Minderheitensprachen und Sprachminderheiten | [ViVo] | A03 | Academic Article |
Buchmüller, Olga | 2020 | Influence of a Speaker’s Visible Social Status on the Evaluation of Morphosyntax in Native Germans | [ViVo] | A03 | Thesis | |
Verhoeven, Elisabeth; Lehmann, Nico | 2018 | Self-embedding and complexity in oral registers | Glossa: a journal of general linguistics | [DOI] [ViVo] | A06 | Academic Article |
Egg, Markus | Metaphors in religious language: a register perspective | Kolloquium SFB 1475 "Metaphern der Religion" | [ViVo] | A01 | Invited Talk | |
Schumacher, Nicole | Language learning across the curriculum in university teacher training | olloque international 'L'enseignement des langues dans une Europe multiculturelle: mutations géopolitiques, configurations identitaires et priorités didactiques', Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Deutsch-Französisches Forschungszentrum für Sozialwissenschaften | [ViVo] | C05 | Presentation |